Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sunday, December 22, 2013

     Christmas is approaching thank goodness.  I am all worn out from the hype.  This post is going to contain some random things in my life.  It is not the usual posting.....I am just warning you.  I read in the news the other day that a group singing, "Silent Night" would not sing Christ in the song.  I think that is one of the silliest and shameful doings during this past week.  "Silent Night" is all about the description of Christ's birth.  I think society gets a little absurd at times.
     I noticed that today is the 22nd of Dec.  that means, Tracy Stockton, Joseph Smith, and Cacia Green Rogers have a birthday this week.  I hope they all have a great one.  I will think of them on their special day.
     We had a Christmas party with some of Tim's cousins.  Ashton, a son of Rosco and Michelle who is about 14 loves the piano guys.  I told him that we live near Jon Schmidt and we could go visit him.  I had to take Michelle Schmidt a plate of goodies....after all I am her visiting teacher.  So I made a phone call and Michelle said we could come for a quick visit.  When we got to their house she was having a family party.  Oh my, did I feel stupid...but it was fun to see her brother David and her sister Leeta again.  I dropped off the plate and we had Jon sign a CD.  He was very nice to the company I brought.  Ashton was in heaven.  Craig and Lynette were so excited because Jackie was going to love the CD especially with Jon's autograph.  Before we left, we got to hear a song by Spencer and Annie Schmidt (Jon's children).  I love that the Schmidts are so down to earth. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday, November 24, 2013

      I love thanksgiving.  It is a wonderful time to reflect on the many blessings God has bestowed upon all mankind.  I am very humbled with how blessed I am.  I have a wonderful family, a warm house, a full tummy, good health, and the gospel.  Life is very good.
      We have been very busy.  Friday was Tae Kwon Do testing.  Jacinda is now a deputy 3.  She is working for her next belt which will be her black belt.  McCabe is a red belt and will be working towards his high red.  He is very motivated to get his black belt.  He wants to go 3 times a week instead of 2.  I told him he needs to come home and practice what he learns so when he goes the next time he can earn his stripes.  Tim was very smart to have us watch a little documentary on Tyler Haws.  It showed how this young man worked hard so that he could play basketball but also had an eye towards Christ.  Hopefully it struck a chord with McCabe and he will keep working hard and be patient.  Master Kim commented that McCabe has a respectful spirit and it shines through.
      Jacinda loves activity days.  She made these cute turkeys for an activity.  We are going to teach the cousins how to make them on Thanksgiving Day.  I know they will be a big hit.  I apologize in advance to my sister Mimi with her diabetic children.  Hopefully these won’t throw the blood sugars too much out of balance.
       Xadia is a glam girl.  She got herself ready for church today.  The earrings and bracelets were her idea.  If there was make-up available she would be wearing it.  She has been spending a lot of time in the car lately with all the running around I do.  As a result, she has picked up on some of the songs playing on the radio.  She loves to sing “Brave” by Sara Barielles, “Love Song” by Selena Gomez and “Home” by Phillip Phillips.  We actually recorded her singing and put it on youtube for all to watch.  It is great entertainment.

      Teagan is all into cars.  Anything with wheels is considered a car to him….trains, airplanes, lawn mowers, etc…. I love how he makes the “brm brm” noise each time he sees something that reminds him of a car.  He is a cutie.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013

          Well this is lame….my phone is not working properly.  Usually I can send pictures from my phone to my blog but for some reason, it is not working.  Hopefully it will be fixed for next time.  In the meantime I will just have to write without pictures.
           I had a great week.  I went to my annual oncology appointment and for the first time in six years I finally feel normal.  I don’t need to do anything special because I had cancer.  My doctor told me that in a few more years I need to get mammograms because I am approaching the appropriate age when “healthy” women should get them not because I had cancer.  She did inform me to get the limited amount of radiation because I have already been exposed to a small amount of mantle radiation.  We also talked about other things but overall my blood work looked awesome and my TSH levels are normal.  I am a healthy cancer free woman and it feels so good.
          The kids are so cute.  Teagan is doing well in nursery.  He knows the clean-up song and sings it at home when we pick up toys or crayons.  He also does the happy dance which is lifting his feet up and down in a little march at a quick pace.  He also does this cute smiling game where he will lift his chin to the ceiling close his eyes and show the biggest toothy smile possible.  He then waits for you to do the same.  Back and forth the game goes until someone gives up.
          Xadia loves pre-school.  It is always so fun to pick her up.  She stands on her dot outside the building hiding her smile as soon as she sees me.  I get all excited and wave to her and she tries her very hardest not to show her excitement.  It is really funny.  Xadia wants her lunch packed when I pack the other children’s’ lunches.   She also likes to watch t.v. on her kindle.
          McCabe is big into building boats out of anything he can find….empty milk cartons, Styrofoam, cardboard, etc…  He then gets his gecko, Sally and puts her on the boats.  We have told him not to do that to his gecko and so now he only puts Sally on the boats that are on the table not on the water.  I feel for that poor lizard.  McCabe is doing really well with his reading.  He likes to read books about dinosaurs.  So far that is the only type of book he checks out of the library.
         Jacinda loves basketball and piano.  She is getting really close to earning her black belt in Tae Kwon Do.  She has one more belt before getting her black belt.  She gets really nervous and keeps telling me that she does not want to get her black belt because she cannot remember all her forms.  Fat chance of quitting Tae Kwon Do…. I want her to finish what she has started.  She is underestimating her abilities. I have seen her do her forms and she is good.  I recently received Jacinda’s report card and she is doing very well.  I am pleased to see that her hard work is paying off.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013

      Ok it is time to play catch-up.  October kicked off with my birthday.  It was great.  Nothing out of the ordinary happened except that I got to live to see it.  My kids surprised me with home-made birthday cards and breakfast in bed.  They fixed me toaster waffles, milk, and a tray of mini candy bars.  I did not get to eat any of it because I had to jump out of bed and help the kids get off to school.  As I was helping the kids get ready, they would ask if they could have a candy bar or a waffle.  Bit by bit my breakfast was disappearing and by the time I was ready to eat, I had to make my own breakfast.  I am happy to share.  I am in great health and great spirits.  I love my position in life.  I am a wife and a mother and try hard to contribute to society by helping others anonymously.  Tim also allowed us to upgrade our piano.  I am so happy.  All the keys and pedals work.  It is really enjoyable to play. 
      We also got to celebrate Xadia’s birthday.  She had a tinker bell party.  A young woman in our ward dressed up as tinker bell and came to help with the party.  It was perfect.  The kids were enamored with her and Xadia decided she wanted to be tinker bell for Halloween.  I love throwing parties for four-year-olds.  They are so easy to please.
Xadia and Tinker Bell

Xadia the Birthday Girl

      We took family pictures during the month.  What a dreaded experience.  It takes a miracle for all of my kids to be looking at camera and smiling at the same time.  Thank goodness for “paint” by windows.  I had to do a few face transplants to get a decent picture.  Oh how I love my family.

My Boys

My Girls
The Fisher Family

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013

I had a beautiful lesson today in relief society.  Debbie Coburn taught it and it was on loving thyself as thy neighbor.  Usually it is said the other way around but she wanted to specify how we tend to think highly of others and compliment them but when we look in the mirror we can be very detrimental and mean to who we are.  This meanness to ourselves is offensive to God for we are His creations.  I will forever remember that I am a daughter of God and that makes me very special.  I am refreshed to treat my family and neighbors lovingly.  I would like to end by mentioning that you (or I) would never walk up to a temple and point out the flaws or find ugliness with it.  Our bodies are also temples and should be treated as such.  It is wonderful to be alive and to have a beautiful life.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013

          We just got back from a great camping trip in Marysvale.  We left Wednesday afternoon and arrived home Saturday.  While camping we rode the blueberry (the ATV ranger) all over the trails and spent time fishing in different lakes.  Jacinda and McCabe each caught a trout that was at least 15 inches.  I caught a 3 inch trout (not even picture worthy).  Teagan had a great time playing in the water.  He made me so nervous.  I did not want him to go in so far that he would drown.  Anyways I kept a close eye on him the majority of the time and he was just fine.  Xadia did a little fishing with her pink fishing pole.  She did not catch anything but had a great time casting and reeling in the fly.  Tim spent a few days with the kids before the trip showing them the proper way to cast.  He also spent a small fortune getting their tackle boxes ready.  I can’t tell you how many bobbers we used because the kids kept banging them on rocks or the ground and they would crack and break.
          It was so beautiful.  I was in awe at the scenery.  It looked like we were driving by painted trees.  I took a few pictures to try and capture the beauty.  It was so wonderful.  The temperature was in the seventies and the smell of pine took me back to the days when my mom would take me and my sisters to oktober fest at Snow Bird.  It was quite peaceful and lovely.
          Today was the primary program.  Tim was kind enough to take Teagan out (after his daring attempt of running for the podium).  I got to watch the program.   I was smiling the whole time.  I was so proud of my kids.  Jacinda and McCabe did a great job on their parts.  I would try to make eye contact with them.  Every time I looked at McCabe he tried his hardest not to smile.  It was so cute.  That is my boy.  But my favorite was Xadia.  She did not do much singing, instead, she did a lot of interpretive dancing.  She was swinging her arms and pointing to the audience.  Then she would twist her finger in her pig tail and go back to moving her arms.  It was great.  When I was younger and did not have children in primary I loved watching the kids wave to their parents or listen to the kids shout out the parts of the song.  It made me so happy and I could not wait until I had kids in primary.  Now I do and I have an attention grabber.  All I could think of while Xadia was doing her dancing was that I was so grateful she was with our family.  One year ago we could have lost her in a drowning accident but we did not and she is with us.  I am glad all my babies are safe and healthy and with me.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday, September 8, 2013

     I thought life would get easier as the kids were in school, however, there are still things that fill up my days.  This past week Michael and Candi Hochsettler stayed with us while their car got fixed.  They were traveling from Washington to Texas when their car broke down in Provo.  It was a little crazy having a house full of people.  Cute little Zayden, who is just 6 weeks younger than Teagan kept biting him.   Poor Teagan has 3 bite marks on his body.  They look like little tattoos.  My one fear is that Teagan will start biting also but fortunately he has not.
         Last Sunday we ate at Matt and Mimi (my sister) Johnson’s house.  It was so much fun to visit and watch the cousins play.  Her boys were so funny and creative.  They were playing star wars and having sword fights.  Mimi says this is what they prefer to do instead of basketball or soccer or anything really.  Her kids were so good with mine regardless of the age gap.  There was no crying just a lot of fun.
        The weather is starting to cool and the leaves are changing colors.  I have the autumn scents burning.  Every once in a while I get a whiff of apples and cinnamon and it smells so good.  I love the fall, however, before it officially comes we had to get in one more outdoor swimming day.  Yesterday we went swimming with nana Hefner, Ashleigh, and her fiancée Telan.  It was great.  Teagan kept jumping off the side into the water.  He absolutely has no fear of swimming.  Now I am constantly on my toes making sure he does not jump in the water without supervision.  Even when in the water he wanted to swim by himself.  I tried putting floaties on his arms but his mouth would bob in and out of the water so I will have to try them again in a few months to see if he is ready.  Xadia kept by my side the whole time which is fine by me.  This was the pool she drowned in last year.  I was constantly doing kid checks on Xadia and Teagan.  Jacinda and McCabe had a great time doing their own thing with Ash and Telan.  As we got out of the pool, the wind started picking up and a storm came.  We made it home just in time to see lightening and hear the thunder.  It started raining really hard.  In fact, people in Alpine and Payson experience flooding.  I am so grateful we were all safe.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday, August 25, 2013

           A lot has happened during the past two weeks.  The boys got some haircuts.  I also chopped 10 inches of hair and donated it to Locks of Love (they have a soft spot in my heart).  I love dealing with short hair.  It is so easy.  Now I need to remember to use less shampoo.
          The other evening McCabe and I went on a jog.  He does a great job keeping up with me (or maybe I am slow).  Anyways, the sun was hiding behind the clouds and some rays were spilling on Antelope Island near the Great Salt Lake.  McCabe took one look and said, “it is so beautiful.  This is what it was like when Christ was born.”  It was really cute.  Then he kept repeating it.  He had mentioned Christ two or three times as the sun was setting and then he would ask me, “don’t you just love it?”  “Isn’t so beautiful?”  He is adorable and I am so glad he recognizes God’s hand in earthly creations.
          Last Monday for family night Tim gave everyone a father’s blessing.  It was a major ordeal to get the kids calmed down.  There was so much noise and running around.  If one kid got off the couch to get a stuffed animal or play chase then the rest would follow.  Finally the kids sat on the couch long enough so that each one received a blessing….even Teagan sat still for his sweet father’s blessing.  I will tell you by the time the blessings were over, Tim and I were exhausted from corralling and quieting the kids.  Tim took a picture and I laughed when I saw it because we all look so happy but I have to admit that there was a moment where Tim was ready to say, “ok forget about it, you are being too disruptive.”
          Tomorrow is the first day of school.  Jacinda is very excited and McCabe is nervous.  I said a prayer with McCabe that he would not be nervous and feel comforted and be a friend to all those around him.  He seemed much better.  In fact as I was talking to him before he went to sleep he wanted to discuss either going to the Philippines or Hawaii to catch geckos.  He was asking how much it costs to fly there and stay at a hotel and then how much was in his bank account.  It is great how much McCabe loves lizards and geckos.  In fact, two weeks ago we told him that the two lizards he caught during the summer need to be let go so they can find a home for the winter.  He started getting teary-eyed.  He tried so hard to hold back the tears but ended up crying.  So I guess he will be keeping the lizards through winter.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Jacinda and McCabe got to spend a week at the Stubb’s house.  They had a lot of fun going to the beach, the movies, eating frozen yogurt and catching lizards.  We decided to drive to Vegas to get the kids.  This would give us a few days with my dad and sister, Tarra.  It was just me and the kids.  It was very hot in Vegas (105 degrees) my phone would not charge because my battery kept over heating.  Dad was busy selling pianos so I did not get to see him very much.  I was busy chasing Teagan and making sure he did not hit the pianos with his toys.  We all went swimming with Tarra and family.  It was fun to see her and her two boys, Cody and Xavius.  Dad did not join us because he was too tired.  After swimming we ate at Inn and Out.  It was my first time in years that I had a cheeseburger and it was yummy.  Later we went back to the house and watched t.v.  Teagan was so tired he kept crying.  It was hard for me to deal with all the crying so I put him down for a nap.  He slept for an hour and then got up and started crying some more.  That is when I decided to cut the trip short.  I came home a day early.  I needed Tim’s help.  Before leaving, we went to Kripy Kreme donuts to eat some yummy treats and watch how donuts were made.  We finally made it home and now here it is 10 pm and the kids are too wound up to go to sleep.  I guess they got some good naps in the car.  I am tired so I am off to sleep.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

What an incredibly busy few weeks.  As I sat here thinking of what to write, my first thoughts were…..hmmm nothing exciting happened.  But then that is not true since three weeks has passed without blogging I better write about the “nothing.”  At the end of June we went to a wedding at the Manti Temple for Nancy Osmond.  It was a great ceremony and afterwards we saw Roxanne and Richard Squire and Ron and Barbara Ballard.  After sending a picture of Ron to Tim’s dad, Steve, he (Steve) felt an immediate need to see Ron because of Ron’s deteriorating health.  Within 4 days Steve came from Washington to Utah.  It was a Fisher/Ballard family reunion.  It was a lot of fun to see everybody visit, laugh, and share memories. 
It is hard to watch people get older and go through hard times, especially when death could be so close.  It makes me enjoy what I have now, the mundane daily routine of loading and unloading the dishwasher, changing diapers, and the constant vacuuming.  I have great health which allows me to do all that is required and beautiful children to keep my life exciting and full of never ending chores.
We have filled our summer with learning, swimming lessons, and tae kwon do.  We also had Kate and Brinton Squire up for a few days while their parents ran in a race.  I cannot believe how many more dishes I had to wash with 2 extra kids.  McCabe and Brinton set-up a lemonade stand and sold drinks and wet sand.  McCabe got sand from the sandbox and added water.  He said it was “Indian sand” because it was so smooth.  So there he was with his little sandwich bags full of sand.  I don’t think he sold any, especially because he wanted $7.00/bag.  However, they did make $8 selling the lemonade.

Xadia’s big thing lately is taking a late nap and then staying up late because she cannot fall asleep.  We tell her to stay in her room but she has the tendency to come out and knock on our door.  She says, “I need to tell you something.” My response is, “ok what is it?”  “I love you so much, much, much, much, much, much.”  And then she turns to Tim and says the same thing.  She then gives us a hug and a kiss and goes off to her room.  Many times she comes back because she has a piece of colored art work to give us.  She is adorable.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday, June 23, 2013

No doubt we are having summer fun.  The weather has been beautiful…not too hot and not too cold.  We got a slip and slide and the kids were so excited to try it.  The temperature was in the low sixties but that did not stop them.  They played until the lawn was saturated.  Once they were done with the slip and slide it was off to the sandbox.  Tim built a really neat 6’ x 6’ sandbox.  While it was being built, McCabe was complaining that it was too small; however, 5 kids were happily playing in it the other day.  I need to mention that McCabe was one of those kids.  So needless to say, if I don’t have water on my floors then I have sand.  I have to clean my floors 2 to 3 times a day.
The summer also brings hungry kids.  It seems like my kids are eating more.  Thank goodness fruits are in season.  Every time they ask for food I lead them to the crisper.  There is always an apple or an orange waiting.

I had an amazing experience yesterday.  We went shopping at Costco and while at the bread section I was overcome with excitement and became speechless.  I tried to get Tim’s attention while rounding up the kids.  Immediately I got the kids and walked them over to brother and sister Uchtdorf.  I stopped elder Uchtdorf and said, “I know you are shopping, but it is not everyday this happens.”  Then I introduced my children to an apostle of God and his lovely wife.  They were both so kind.  They asked what names were of our children and then told us we have a beautiful family.  I got to shake each of their hands and the kids gave them a high five.  Of course neither Tim nor myself had our phones so we could not take a picture.  So all we have is the memory.  It was still very exciting and emotional.  Kinda weird….my eyes almost started tearing because I knew the significance of meeting Elder Uchtdorf.  I could not help but think about God and how much I love Him and He loves me.  It was a great shopping trip.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday, June 16, 2013

What a great day. I love Father’s day. We had a great breakfast consisting for egg sandwiches, sausages, hashbrowns, and a smoothie. Then we sang some Father’s day songs to Tim and gave him presents. They were simple presents consisting of homemade peanutbutter stuff, paper ties with family pictures, and then a video recording the kids. On the video, I asked them a variety of questions like, who are your friends? What is your favorite color? How old are you? What do you like about your dad? The answers to the last question was priceless. They unanimously agreed that they like that he builds. In fact, yesterday, Tim spent hours building a sandbox for the kids (it turned out awesome). The kids also said that they like him because he is their dad….what more can be said about that? Tim provides for them, he helps me (his wife), he loves his children, he takes them to fun places like swimming or camping. He is a good man.

At church today, I was in the back of the primary room as the kids were singing. After singing a song about fathers and getting gray hair, McCabe raises his hand and says, “that does not make any sense. My dad is getting white hair not gray.” The adults in the room laughed. I thought that was a precious comment. Just wait until that six-year-old boy becomes a dad. He will understand one day.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday, June 8, 2013

Ready or not, here is summer.  School is out and now it is time to deal with kids all day.  I am planning on a routine that consists of chores and learning during the morning and then the kids can play during the afternoon.  I have the best intentions so we will see how long this lasts.  The kids just want to go camping and swimming and visit their cousins in California.
We do not have any big plans this summer.   The biggest thing we did was have an out of school party.  We had snow cones and popcorn, played games, and watched an outdoor movie.  It was a lot of fun.  There were 17 kids along with some parents.  I want to do it again because it was so awesome.
The change of weather has brought allergies to our house.  Tim and I have a mild case.  Poor Jacinda, she has terrible allergies.  She has to take medicine twice a day along with eye drops.  If she does not take her eye drops her corneas swell with fluid.  It makes me so sad and my eyes start to itch.
Teagan is walking full time now with occasional falls.  Just the other day he fell into the corner of the island and got a nice cut on his forehead.  It was deep but not very wide.  I cleaned the blood and then super glued the cut.  I put a band-aid on his head.  The first two days were great.  Then he discovered the band-aid and now pulls it off.  He is so cute.  He is a big walking tummy.  His gut sticks out further than anything.  It is the first thing that enters when he walks into a room.  Teagan is saying “hi” and waving to everyone.  I love it.  He brings a big smile to my face.
McCabe’s latest adventure was finding a snake in the rock wall.  He and Tim caught it.  They put it in a big trash can, however, an hour later the snake was gone.  As I went to get my sun glasses out of the car, I saw the snake on the ground.  I screamed and the boys tried to catch it again.  It ended up slithering on the belly of our car.  I don’t know where it is now.  Hopefully it fell down while we were driving.

 McCabe has the tendency to say funny things.  While on our way to the rec. center, he kept singing “teenage mutant ninja turtles.”  When he got to the part about a turtle in a half shell, he would replace the word “turtle” with someone’s name and then just start laughing.  Then he would say, “that cracked me.”

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tim brought home a bird from work.  It had fallen out of its nest and so we were going to nurse it to independence.  Well today that day came and Buttercup, the bird, flew away.  McCabe was really sad.  He started crying and the rest of the evening he was talking about how much he missed Buttercup.  I was happy Butter cup flew away because now I don’t need to feed it worms, change its paper, or give it a bath.  I also don’t have to tell the kids to stop bothering it as they try to hold it or throw it in the air.  It is for the best that Buttercup is on his own now.
Teagan is now a walking boy.  He walks everywhere and reaches for everything.  His latest thing is to carry hairbrushes around the house because he can reach the brushes on the counters.  He also likes to walk with a big cheesy grin, eyes closed and head tilted back.  It is really cute.  I like how his belly hangs out in front of his body.  He is such a healthy boy.
McCabe just had some serious dental work done.  He got some crown and had some root canals done.  He loves his 4 silver teeth.  He shows everybody who will stop to pay him some attention.  I am very pleased with McCabe, because I recently received an e-mail from his Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Savage.  She has chosen McCabe (out of all the kindergarten boys) to receive an award for being the nicest and most helpful boy.  Gee, that sure makes a mom feel good.
Jacinda is busy working hard trying to earn money for a parakeet.  She has written rules to follow for taking care of her parakeet when going out of town, for feeding it, and what to do if it dies.  She is constantly asking what she can do to earn money.  Right now we have her scanning photos into the computer.  She is doing a great job.

Xadia is busy taking swimming lessons and doing a music class.  She loves both and these classes are so good for her especially since her older siblings go to their lessons.  She so badly wants to be like them.  I cannot believe how independent Xadia is.  Just the other day I walked into her room and she was using the glue gun.  I told her not to use it and she said, “I won’t burn myself.”  I let her finish and then unplugged the gun.  It is unbelievable that a 3-year-old knows how to do so much.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Life is never dull because it is filled with so much work.  As the weather has turned into something beautiful, we are out in our yard doing a lot of work.  We had to fix the sprinklers and the water feature.  It was very challenging doing yard work with a one-year-old crawling everywhere.  So we put him in the pack and play.  Teagan loves it.  I am so surprised at how content he is.  The other kids also loved playing with Teagan and in the pack and play.
During the week, I do inside work.  I get the privilege of doing the never ending task of laundry.  As I was changing loads the other day, Teagan sneaked into the dryer.  I was shocked….I did not know he knew how to climb into the dryer.  He is quickly out pacing me.  Teagan has also started walking.  He takes about 7 steps and then falls.  I am sure that he will be walking within 2 weeks.
Tim and Jacinda got to go on a date.  They went to a daddy-daughter hoedown for activity days.  They got all dressed up in their western clothes and went dancing and ate yummy foods.  Jacinda and Tim both had a great time but when Jacinda saw me she was a little upset because she was the only one in a dress.  The other kids wore jeans and bandanas.  Regardless of what others were wearing I bet she was the cutest girl there.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013

     It has been two weeks since my last entry and now it is time for catch up.  Two weeks ago while we were outside fixing our water feature, Xadia was inside giving herself a haircut.  She looked like a little 3-year-old with a mullet.  It was really funny.  I kept laughing because every child has their day as a barber.  What was really funny was following trail of hair down the hall way into my bedroom.  I knew something was happening.  Then when I called Xadia, she came to me with her arms crossed above her head.  I asked her to move her arms but she said, “no.”  I started to laugh as she stood there with her arms covering her head.  At first she looked confused and then hurt.  She started to cry.  I grabbed the camera and took some pictures of her first self hair cut.  Unfortunately she is crying in a lot of them.  These are the good times of being a parent.
Xadia's hair on the floor in front of the mirror
     Look closely and you can see the botch job and missing pieces of hair.

     McCabe just lost his second tooth.  He loves that his teeth are falling out because that shows he is getting bigger like the other kids in our neighborhood.  He (along with his sisters) also got a new bike.  They go to ride them yesterday at the Centerville Park.  McCabe was unstoppable.  I have never seen a 6-year-old love to ride a bike like him.  He kept zooming past us as we walked with the stroller.  When it was time to go he had to squeeze in one more lap.  So Tim decided to race McCabe on Jacinda’s bike while Jacinda stood on the back pegs of the bike.  To make a long story short, McCabe won and Tim was feeling the burn in his legs as he was trailing McCabe.  Things like this make Tim a good sport and a great dad.
Teagan is getting closer to walking.  He is standing on his own and has taken 2 steps.  He is so cute.  He is developing little characteristics.  I love it when he says, “wow,” or when he smashes his face into a pillow or a pile of blankets.  He is at the perfect height where he can hold himself up and reach for things on the counters.  I often find him crawling around with a hairbrush.
     Tim and I had a beautiful experience yesterday.  Deborah Jean Black was sealed to her husband James Nicholas Hefner.  I loved being in the temple watching the special ceremony and feeling the overwhelming love and spirit.  It is an indescribable experience.  You need to feel it to truly understand.  The bottom line is that there is a Heavenly Father and he loves us beyond mortal comprehension.
       I ran into Kathie Packer the other day.  She informed me that Kate, her daughter, is moving to Farmington.  That made me so happy.  It is kinda weird, I don’t talk to Kate because we are both so busy but it is comforting to know that she is doing well and will be closer to her family.  I am so happy for her.  I feel that way about a lot of people.  Just because I don’t talk to some people on a frequent basis does not mean I don’t think about them.  So remember that when you are reading my blog.  I think about you more than you know and I hope you are having a fantastic day and living a great life.