Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday May 23, 2010

It seems like life repeats itself from day-to-day. Each morning I get up and am a mom. That consists of getting the kids fed, dressed, off to pre-school, and cleaning up after each of them. I look forward to afternoon story time and then our naps. This morning was a little different obviously because it was Sunday. I was awakened by Xadia crying. I checked her room but she was not there so I headed downstairs. I was stopped on the stairs by Jacinda..."mom we were going to give you breakfast in bed." Dang it!! I hate it when I ruin a good surprise. "Oh should I go get back into bed?" was my reply. "No, just come eat." When I entered the kitchen, there were dishes all over the place and bits and pieces of food here and there. Tim had made egg fried rice with hot dogs and a side of orange juice. Well what can I least I did not have to cook it (but I never would have thought of that combination). After breakfast I was on clean up duty while Tim recovered. I sure appreciate all that he does and his thoughtfulness.

My sleeping beauties!

If you have not figured out by now, Tim is the biggest jokester ever. He can really make me and others laugh. At the moment, he is in heaven. He found some "coke bottle" spoof glasses at the dollar store. He loves to wear them into public places and watch people's reactions. His latest adventure was at Red Robin where he pulled them out to read the menu. After he had captured some attention he took them off and cross his eyes. Then he laughed and laughed. My dad and father-in-law got to witness Tim with his silly glasses and they just bellow with laughter.

McCabe found the glasses and decided to put them on this morning as he went to the pantry. To his disappointment, the pantry was locked. So McCabe approached Tim and asked, "how come I can't have a marshmallow?" Tim caved and gave him a marshmallow but in return, Tim got these photos of Mac. He totally reminds me of Ralphie from "A Christmas Story."

Wacky Macky

Last week Jacinda did a jog-a-thon for her school. I have never seen that girl run like that. Every time we take her to the park or exercising she complains that she is too tired. I guess she needs to be around her friends and then she will leave you eating her dust and sustain that energy. It was fun to watch but McCabe got a little antsy. He wanted to run also so I said, "let's do it." We started running with Jacinda. I was all smiles running by her side until she told me that she only wanted to run with the young kids and that I should stop running, but McCabe could still run. Keep in mind she is only 5 and is already acting like she is 15 (YIKES!).

Xadia is absolutely fabulous. She is a good baby. She does not fuss when she goes down for naps. She smiles a lot, is very happy, and lets you know she is done eating by spitting out the food. I love this stage. She is grabbing everything her hands can touch and she is rolling in every direction. She is trying to get her stance to start crawling. She pushes herself up on her knees for a few seconds then decides to lay and her tummy and roll. She is cautious on the tile floors about not hitting her head. She likes to smack the tile with her hands. I think she likes the noise.
Baby Xadia Smiling

I have been very diligent about exercising. I do a lot of walking (but not as much as Tim). I have also incorporated sit-ups into my routine. Tim has inspired me to push myself even more and just yesterday I started doing push-ups or as he calls them "wuss-ups." There is a lot of truth to the name. I can only go half-way down to the ground. Tim can touch his nose to the carpet and push himself up. He can do it with kids on his back. Here I am with my knees bent struggling to meet the carpet half-way. Well I started out with 10 and I swear that all the scar tissue in my chest (from the lymphectomy) ripped. I did another 10 later that evening and can I just say "ouch." I am in pain today....and I feel totally pathetic that 20 very weak push-ups got the best of me.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

It has been 2 week since my last posting. We have been doing a lot of things. So I warn you.....there are a lot of pictures. In the following pictures it shows Tim making swords out of PVC pipe for our family. This was a great family night. With our swords in hand, we were able to defend ourselves and our home against evil things. We had previously made a slide show with good and bad items and we wanted to test our kids to see if they could identify what was acceptable. So if the slide show had a picture of fighting or alcohol, they would raise their swords to defend themselves. If the picture was of good music or tithing, they would put down their swords and allow those things into our home. It was a great learning experience and the kids had a great time making their swords....all 3 of them (Jacinda, McCabe, and Tim).

(You want a piece of me.....bring it on!)

So while we were in Utah, Mimi wanted to straighten my hair since it is naturally curly. Well we never had the time so I finally did it at my house and I promised to show her the picture. So voila Mimi here I am with straight hair.

We are an excercise going family. Although I don't think McCabe has mastered the idea of a proper push-up. Here he is letting Tim do all the work.

Yeah!! a visit from Papa!

Here are all of the kids with their grandpa, Myron Nalder. WE are so happy to have him stay with us.

So even though my McCabe is getting big, he is still a softy. On this particular day before naps he told me to wait a moment while he got his babies. He covered them up and made sure the one had her bottle and fed the other one an imaginary carrot. I had to get a picture. Then Jacinda found out that Mac had her dolls and she was livid. But we got it all resolved and he did get to sleep with "his babies." Thanks Jacinda for sharing your dolls.

Here is the cutest smile in the whole world. Xadia is so happy. I love those 2 teeth of hers.

Daughter sees mom feed baby so she wants to feed baby. Have at it Jacinda. However, I had to do cleam up duty. I think more got on Xadia's bib and face than in her mouth. Thanks for your help Jacinda, I love you.

Daughter sees daddy grilling so she wants to try. She only got as far as helping daddy clean the grill. I won't let her get near the heat. But she loves to watch the temperature needle rise. She and McCabe kept running back in the house to tell us that the needle hit another set of zeroes. The best part was McCabe copying her....running back and forth and spitting out words. I don't think he had a clue what Jacinda was doing but it looked like fun so he joined her.