Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

So much to talk about during the past 2 weeks. It started off with a 15 year high school reunion. There was a very small turnout… 20 people, but it was so fun to talk and mingle with everyone and see their kids. It is amazing how people change but still look the same. Some had longer hair, others had gained weight, and others finally bloomed. It was a very enjoyable evening. We had a picnic at Island View Park and then the kids played in the sand near the volley ball net. They built sandcastles and villages with compounds with mines and capitol buildings. I was amazed with the creativity of the older kids. Thanks to Ms. Emily Jex Boyle for arranging such a fun evening.

I am so happy to announce that I passed the 3 year mark of finishing all my cancer treatments. I am still cancer free and lively as ever. It feels sooo good to be healthy and happy. I have changed a little bit since cancer. I feel more care-free and optimistic. I also limit meat and dairy products. These are changes that I hope will help me to have a longer and healthier life.

We are itching to go camping but our schedules are so busy that we cannot squeeze in time. So instead we have mini campfires in our white trash pit on the drive way. We roast hot dogs and marshmallows. We love making a good smore or four. The night ends perfectly with messy faces and smelly campfire clothes.

I was very busy this past weekend sewing. We will be in a pioneer day parade and only in the state of Utah was the pioneer dress pattern I wanted was out of stock. I got the next best pattern, but Jacinda decided she wanted the colonial dress instead of the pioneer dress. Oh what they hey. So I made the dress she wanted and here is a picture of the final product.