Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013

I had a beautiful lesson today in relief society.  Debbie Coburn taught it and it was on loving thyself as thy neighbor.  Usually it is said the other way around but she wanted to specify how we tend to think highly of others and compliment them but when we look in the mirror we can be very detrimental and mean to who we are.  This meanness to ourselves is offensive to God for we are His creations.  I will forever remember that I am a daughter of God and that makes me very special.  I am refreshed to treat my family and neighbors lovingly.  I would like to end by mentioning that you (or I) would never walk up to a temple and point out the flaws or find ugliness with it.  Our bodies are also temples and should be treated as such.  It is wonderful to be alive and to have a beautiful life.

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