Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Monday, July 12, 2021


Time to play catch up with my journal entries.  Sunday’s are great family days.  We like to go on hikes or walks.  On this particular day (4/25/2021), it was a little chilly but that did not stop us from enjoying nature and have races with Fozzie.  Mac tried his hand at fishing but didn’t catch much.  We had a good time lounging, eating snacks, and then walking back down Mueller Canyon.

                The weather turned nice in May, so we started the lawn mowing.  We mow 5 yards.  It has been a blessing for the kids.  We invite any child who wants to earn money to mow.  Rocket Santiano is the only consistent child who helps mow each week.

                Gigi Rasmussen, my niece has come to live with us for the summer while she works and prepares to go to USU.  She likes to make desserts.  She made this beautiful cake for mother’s day and it was absolutely delicious.  I had another slice the next day because it was so yummy.

                McCabe is in that stage of life where he likes to look at himself shirtless in the mirror.  Sometimes he looks for armpit hair and announces to the family when he finds one.  On this particular day, he found some underwear that was too small and decided to make a fashion statement.  He was a good sport to let me take a picture.

                Jacinda went to prom with Liam and friends and had a good time.  They spent the day tie dying and frying any type of food.  They fried pizza pockets, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pineapple, biscuit dough, cheese sticks, and potatoes.  It was a lot of fun.  After the dance, they came back to the house to socialize and eat ice cream.  Tim and I then took everyone home.  I will be really happy when she gets her license and can drive others.

                Preston Squire, my nephew, had his mission farewell on May 23, 2021.  He is going to Detroit Michigan.  I am very excited for him.  I am sure he will get a lot of attention being a skinny white kid who is 7 feet tall.  I am looking forward to his homecoming and the stories he will share and learning and growing in the gospel.

                I had a little time on my hands and decided to make an outfit.  This was a long time coming.  I made the skirt and jacket.  Unfortunately it is summer time and very hot (triple digit hot) so I won’t be wearing this until later in the year.

                Xadia got to present the 1900’s in her decade days report at school.  She and her class mates got to dress up from that era.  She wore a fancy feather and flower hat with a decorative dress and black boots.  She was very excited to wear the outfit and did a great job presenting.  I am so proud of her and her class.

                June has arrived and it is time for summer vacation.  We headed to Oceanside for some beach and cousin time.  It was so fun riding the waves on boogie boards and watching the kids play in the water or trying not to get tipped in the raft.  We spent half a day at the San Diego Safari park which was really neat.  I liked looking at the animals and the plants.  We got an app on our phones that identifies plants when you take a picture.  Teagan can drain the phone battery really fast using that plant app.  The kids also got to ride in a hot air balloon and we also learned about Fozzie’s escape while at the park.  He had ran about two miles away from home by breaking his leash while Gigi was at work.  We had the next door neighbor (Zoey Kister) take care of Fozzie.  He does not like to be alone.

                Friday, June 25th, Lizzy Fisher married Caleb Popp in the San Diego temple.  It brought back such good memories since Tim and I were married there 22 years earlier.  I loved being on those grounds and near the temple.

                Summer lunch with Max Murdock.  Teagan looks ecstatic.  He would not smile at all.  So you get what you get with this picture.

                Another thing we like to do on Sundays is cook.  Jacinda made some pina colada lollipops for youth in the ward.  Teagan made some gummy candies and Xadia made cupcakes.  I finished out the evening with a batch of fudgy nut brownies.  We definitely do not starve for sugar in our house.