I had a great week. I went to my annual oncology appointment and for the first time in six years I finally feel normal. I don’t need to do anything special because I had cancer. My doctor told me that in a few more years I need to get mammograms because I am approaching the appropriate age when “healthy” women should get them not because I had cancer. She did inform me to get the limited amount of radiation because I have already been exposed to a small amount of mantle radiation. We also talked about other things but overall my blood work looked awesome and my TSH levels are normal. I am a healthy cancer free woman and it feels so good.
The kids are so cute. Teagan is doing well in nursery. He knows the clean-up song and sings it at home when we pick up toys or crayons. He also does the happy dance which is lifting his feet up and down in a little march at a quick pace. He also does this cute smiling game where he will lift his chin to the ceiling close his eyes and show the biggest toothy smile possible. He then waits for you to do the same. Back and forth the game goes until someone gives up.
Xadia loves pre-school. It is always so fun to pick her up. She stands on her dot outside the building hiding her smile as soon as she sees me. I get all excited and wave to her and she tries her very hardest not to show her excitement. It is really funny. Xadia wants her lunch packed when I pack the other children’s’ lunches. She also likes to watch t.v. on her kindle.
McCabe is big into building boats out of anything he can find….empty milk cartons, Styrofoam, cardboard, etc… He then gets his gecko, Sally and puts her on the boats. We have told him not to do that to his gecko and so now he only puts Sally on the boats that are on the table not on the water. I feel for that poor lizard. McCabe is doing really well with his reading. He likes to read books about dinosaurs. So far that is the only type of book he checks out of the library.
Jacinda loves basketball and piano. She is getting really close to earning her black belt in Tae Kwon Do. She has one more belt before getting her black belt. She gets really nervous and keeps telling me that she does not want to get her black belt because she cannot remember all her forms. Fat chance of quitting Tae Kwon Do…. I want her to finish what she has started. She is underestimating her abilities. I have seen her do her forms and she is good. I recently received Jacinda’s report card and she is doing very well. I am pleased to see that her hard work is paying off.
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