Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015

      Let me catch up with all that has happened.  We recently passed the 11 year anniversary of my mom's passing.  She is missed and I feel so bad that none of my children got to meet her on earth.  I have such good memories of time spent with my grandma.  I wish my kids could have the same memories.  Oh well.....such is life.
      March 7th, was Teagan's birthday and the 9th was Tim's birthday.  We celebrated by going to Texas Roadhouse with Nana Hefner and Dan.  I love having Deb and Dan in our lives.  Even though my mom is gone, Deb does a great job of loving my kids like a grandmother and that means so much to me and my children.  Dan is also very giving to my children.  I thank God daily for good people like them.
     The weather has been so beautiful and we are taking advantage of that.  Tim and McCabe made a white trash fire ring.  They took apart a washing machine and used the drum as a fire ring.  I love seeing dad and son working together.  The girls and I did yard work.  Now my irises and lilies can grow without dead leaves barreling down on them.  We also put out some hanging baskets with hydrangeas and ferns.  I just love spring and seeing all the blooming flowers.  It is so beautiful.  I live in such an amazing place.  God did a good job with this earth.
     The kids are growing so fast.  I am very pleased with how they are learning.  Jacinda is getting better with her spelling and becoming more independent with her homework.  She loves to draw and likes to follow Katie's (her cousin) example of being artistic.  If Katie gets markers, Jacinda wants markers.  If Katie gets clay, Jacinda wants clay.  This a time of discovery and a time to hear, "no," a little more than she wants.  Sorry girl, I can't get you everything.
      McCabe is all about asking about nutrients in food.  "Mom, what does vitamin C do?"  He constantly asks what foods do to our bodies.  It is a good thing I studied dietetics.  He is also working on his 6-pack because some of the 2nd grade boys have formed a 6-pack club.  Just the other day he showed me his little 6-pack.  I don't what is in store but if he is only 8 and starting this, I think I am going to be in trouble when he is a teen.
      Xadia and Teagan are both in swim lessons.  They love swimming.  during their class there is a water aerobics class that is happening in the next pool a few feet over.  Teagan just stares at the instructor because she is dancing on the edge of the pool.  It is so funny.  I think he is trying to process what is happening. 
      Xadia is getting ready for kindergarten.  We just go her signed up.  I can't believe how big she is getting.  I love seeing my babies grow.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday, March 1, 2015

We had such a crazy wonderful weekend.  McCabe got baptized.  His baptism was incredible.  Jacinda gave a great talk on the holy ghost….see below.
“I am proud of you, McCabe for making the decision to get baptized.  I am going to give a talk on the Holy Ghost.  Now that you are baptized, you will be confirmed.  Dad will place his hands on your head and through the power of the Melchezediek priesthood you will receive the Holy Ghost.  The Holy Ghost will be a guide and a teacher. As the scriptures say, the Holy Ghost will bring all things to your remembrance and help you make decisions.  We saw an example of this the day Xadia drowned.  Good thing Dad had the promptings of the Holy Ghost to check on her and immediately pulled her unconscious body from the pool.  The Holy Ghost guided dad to do CPR differently on her because she was only 2 ½ years old and dad had only learned how to do CPR on an adult.  Because of the Holy Ghost, dad was guided to check on Xadia and was able to modify the CPR he had learned.  Because of the Holy Ghost, Xadia is alive today.
The Holy Ghost is also a comforter.  When mom was diagnosed with cancer, she was very scared and frightened because her mom and our grandma had died from cancer and mom thought she might not get to raise me and you.  You were only 10 months old.  Mom did a lot of praying and had a lot of priesthood blessings.  The Holy Ghost gave her comfort and peace.  She knew that everything would turn out ok and it did.  The Holy Ghost gave her the comfort and strength she needed to continue here on earth.
The Holy Ghost is also a witness.  He testifies of truths.  When I was younger I remember sitting in fast and testimony meeting and seeing people cry when they talked into the microphone.  I asked mom why they were crying and she said because the Holy Ghost is testifying to them that what they are saying is true.  The Holy Ghost will help us know right from wrong, truth from lies.
I am so thankful that Heavenly Father gives us the gift of the Holy Ghost.  He is truly a loving Father.  I am grateful that I got baptized and received the Holy Ghost.  I try hard each day to listen to its promptings and I hope you do the same McCabe.  In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.”
                There were so many people at the baptism.  The room was full and some people could not make it because of the weather.  Grandma and Grandpa Butterfield got to Parowan and had to turn around because the snow was so bad.  Papa Nalder could not make it because he is still recovering from the flu.  We did get to have Chris and Tricia and family.  That was a blast.  We had so much fun playing at the house, in the snow, and swimming.  We also got to attend the ward chili cook off and talent show.  I had the opportunity to sing with Stormy Goddard, “California Dreamin,” by the Mamas and the Papas.  It was so much fun, we even dressed the part.

                 Now the weekend is over and we are starting to get ready for the upcoming week.  My kids are so sad that their cousins are gone.  McCabe cried a little after they left.  He asked when we will see them again.  He still wants to play. 
                I also wanted to add the Baptismal talk given for McCabe in this posting.  It was given by me, his mom.  See below.
The day you were born your dad and I felt an indescribable joy.  As the nurse put you in my arms, the first words I ever said to you were, “I am your mama.”  I was so elated that my McCabe was there in my arms.  It was an extremely happy day.
What would it have been like to watch Jesus being baptized? The New Testament tells us about what happened that holy day.
“Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.
“And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:
“And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:13, 16–17).
On the special day when you are baptized and confirmed, you are following Jesus Christ. You become like a new person and those feelings of indescribable joy felt at your birth return.
 McCabe, you are making an important decision as you get baptized.  You are choosing to promise and to always remember and follow Jesus Christ, you are become a member of His Church, you receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and you become completely clean.
McCabe, I love you very much.  I am your mama, but you are on loan to me from your Heavenly Father.  Our goal is to return to our Heavenly Father so we can live forever with Him as an eternal family.  I am happy with your decision to get baptized. 

Our Heavenly Father is very happy with you. Baptism opens the gate to the path that leads us back to Heavenly Father.”