Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

All is well at the Fisher house hold. We are going to have a baby in March. There was no miscarriage only a rupturing cyst. I found some random picture which are so cute so I need to post them.

McCabe is taking soccer this fall. He is having a great time....especially since he learned to kick the ball into the goal. He scored 2 points his first game. I was so proud of him.

Jacinda loves to put on make-up. Here she is all made, jewerly, and make-up. Doesn't she look gorgeous?

Kids riding the buffalo in the park at McCabe's soccer game.

Ok I must admit I love this picture. We are on our way swimming. McCabe was totally ready with his goggles on and everything. I had to snap a picture but he would not pose so I pretended that I was taking a picture of only Jacinda but I was able to get all three. It makes me laugh every time I see it.

Real quick, here is a funny story. We, the family, went out for milkshakes. Jacinda was trying to blow the paper off her straw but it didn't work. The paper had a hole in it so she blew air in my face. I did the same back to her and we laughed. Then few moments late as I am taking a drink of my ice water I feel this cold splash behind my ear and on the side of my face. McCabe had just blown his milkshake on me. He apologized and said, "I just wanted you to feel the air." He was trying to copy my and Jacinda but did not realize his straw was full of milkshake. It was a great evening.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Monday, Sept. 5, 2011

I know it has been a while since I last wrote on my blog. Just a few things I wanted to mention that happened over the past few weeks. I found out that my friend Brett Harrison has colon cancer. I am hoping for the best for him and his family. Cancer is never easy.
I am very tired and have very little energy. I am 12 weeks pregnant and battling a potential miscarriage. I will find out the results later this week.
I also found out that Earl Banner, dad of Becky Banner passed away this past week. He was a great man. I don’t care what age you are, it always so hard when a parent passes away.
On a brighter note, this morning McCabe came into my bedroom and asked for help putting on an apron. After I tied it, he said, “I am a working man.” He was ready to make some eggs for breakfast. Both of my kids like to help with breakfast. Their big thing is making smoothies. Each day they alternate. It is a little competition between them because they always ask me, “don’t I make the best smoothie?” I am always very careful with my response.
If I have not mentioned this before, I have a gem of a husband. Friday he took the kids on an overnight camping trip. I loved hearing his story. He went through all the motions without all the quality. They did not make it to the camp ground so they found a turn out in the road and set up camp. They quickly put up the tent and then got out the grill and made s’mores where the marshmallow was not even soft but the kids loved it. Then it was off to bed. Xadia was having trouble sleeping so she got in Tim’s sleeping bag. In the morning, the kids woke up early and were freezing so they had to put on their jackets. Tim had to give them a talk about staying in their sleeping bags until it warmed up. They broke down camp and came home and ate breakfast with me. Even though it was a short trip, they had a great time.