Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday, June 16, 2013

What a great day. I love Father’s day. We had a great breakfast consisting for egg sandwiches, sausages, hashbrowns, and a smoothie. Then we sang some Father’s day songs to Tim and gave him presents. They were simple presents consisting of homemade peanutbutter stuff, paper ties with family pictures, and then a video recording the kids. On the video, I asked them a variety of questions like, who are your friends? What is your favorite color? How old are you? What do you like about your dad? The answers to the last question was priceless. They unanimously agreed that they like that he builds. In fact, yesterday, Tim spent hours building a sandbox for the kids (it turned out awesome). The kids also said that they like him because he is their dad….what more can be said about that? Tim provides for them, he helps me (his wife), he loves his children, he takes them to fun places like swimming or camping. He is a good man.

At church today, I was in the back of the primary room as the kids were singing. After singing a song about fathers and getting gray hair, McCabe raises his hand and says, “that does not make any sense. My dad is getting white hair not gray.” The adults in the room laughed. I thought that was a precious comment. Just wait until that six-year-old boy becomes a dad. He will understand one day.

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