Sunday, February 20, 2022

Sunday, February 20, 2022

                Each week I ask the kids what they want for a dinner meal.  Without fail, Xadia requests sushi.  Half of the family does not do fish.  So we make our own sushi with fish, chicken, vegetables, and fruit.  It always turns out to be a success, especially since we bought sticky rice from the oriental store.

              McCabe has started wrestling.  I am very excited for him.  He likes to try wrestling moves on me.  I have decided that it is good practice for self-defense.  He will do a move and then he asks how I will get out of it and I show him and he says that I did some sort of move in wrestling with a name.  McCabe recently turned 15.  Tim and I delivered balloons and a Chic-Filet-A lunch at McCabe's school for lunch.  Later that week McCabe got his learner’s permit for driving.  Tim took McCabe driving on the freeway yesterday all they way to Provo.  Fortunately, he did not crash or swerve into the other lane unintentionally.  I am so happy they made it back safely.  McCabe is in a funny time of life.  He is currently 5’10”, the same height as his mom.  He constantly walks up to me (his mom) and checks to see if he is taller than me.  He is getting close but is not quite there.  He also likes to walk by the entry mirror and lift his shirt to check out his stomach and flex his biceps.  I have been trying to get a picture but prove not to be quick enough.  Oh, how much fun it is to be his mom.

               Jacinda recently got a job a Subway and she loves it.  She gets to work with Ethan and Seth, two friends from theater class.  Jacinda is a hard worker and a great friend/confidant to those around her.  Many times, she will make sure her friends are ok instead of doing her schoolwork.  Today I was going to help her with some essays but her friend, Hallie needed to talk with Jacinda.  Hallie was having a hard time and Jacinda wanted to take 30 minutes to be a listening ear.  Thirty minutes turned into 90 minutes, and I had to call her home.  I am glad Jacinda came home and was able to help Hallie.  Now she will need to use some of her holiday catching up on schoolwork.  Jacinda also went to the Valentine’s dance last week with a few friends, Sarah, Seth, and Karissa.  She had a great time and found a super cute dress.  Jacinda is growing up and it makes my heart sad and happy at the same time.  I love seeing the beautiful woman she is becoming but at the same time know that she will be on her own in a very short time.

               Xadia is growing up also.  She is getting into fashion and doing her hair.  Here she is with a cute bun on her head.  She looked so stylish I had to take a picture.  Xadia has taken an interest in volleyball.  She will start lessons next month.  I hope she has a good experience and decides to pursue the sport.  It has been challenging finding sports my kids like.  Not to mention for the past 2 years, sports and extra-curricular activities were not a priority because of COVID-19.  Xadia loves to be the master of Fozzie.  She will take him on walks and try to teach him tricks such as dancing for a treat or staying in place.  She can be a little bossy at times, and we gently remind her to be a little nicer in her tone.  Fozzie can sometimes snap back if he is spoken to in a mean tone.

               Teagan is big into playing Minecraft on his computer.  I need to encourage him to take a break from time to time.  My big thing is to ask him to help me make dinner.  He does a great job.  Today he cooked steaks.  The other day he measured and leveled the cups of flour for rolls and then selected the fruit and got it ready to be placed on the cottage cheese.  At night he likes to watch forensic files in our room.  He will get our bed ready and lay in it until we are ready to get into it.  Then he will move to the foot of our bed.  Here he is all comfy in our bed.  Teagan also likes to wrestle with Tim.  It is so funny how he picks up on things Tim does.  For example, Teagan will say, “Dad, pull my arm.”  Tim will pull his arm and then Teagan will fart and say, “Don’t pull on my arm, it makes gas comes out.”  I know he learned that from his dad.

               Fozzie got a hair cut because his fur was so matted.  Unfortunately, it is still cold and occasionally he shivers.  Tim suggested we make him a jacket.  So, in honor of St. Patrick’s day and the month of March, we made him a shamrock jacket.  Most of the time he likes it.  However, there are moments he will rub his sides against the couch trying to get it off.  He is such a silly dog.