Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I feel like there is not much to write about but I will find something. My kids are out of school for the Christmas break and I am very busy making goodie plates for the neighbors. Tim and the kids are eating the candy faster than I can make it. I guess I need to find a recipe that they don’t like.

McCabe had a school performance at a local care facility. He was a little shy and so I got to stand next to him and sing. Miss Staci helped him with his joke…”what does a cat on the beach have in common with Christmas?” “Sandy Claus.” It was cute to see the older people laugh. Some enjoyed the performance others slept through it. I got to visit with a resident name Carol (I did not catch her last name). For the most part she was upbeat but said that she relies a lot on her memories to keep her company. I was a little sad with her reality. I keep thinking that it will be great to be old. I can see my grandchildren and reflect on life and share it with the younger generation. I guess it will be a reality check when I get there.

Xadia is starting to call me mom (I love that). She is at a cute stage. Tim likes to play “alligator and monkey” with the kids. This is a game where he chases the kids and they run away. Xadia likes to play. She does not stand a chance but Tim is really good with her and she giggles and tries to run as Tim makes animal noises behind her.

That is it for now. I am really tired. This holiday season has got me running and I need a rest.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Snowy sunset from our house

Thanksgiving with Gigi trying to give Papa bunny ears.

The Fisher Family

So much has happened since the last posting. We went to Vegas and California for Thanksgiving. It was really fun to see the relatives. I got a good smile out of my dad and Gigi (his wife). It was fun to watch them interact. I have to commend them. They are raising Gigi’s 10-year-old great nephew, Michael and taking foster parent to foster an additional child so Michael can have a sibling. Good for them. I don’t think I could do that at 72.

California was fun, fun, fun. We did a lot of baking (of course) for thanksgiving. I made my grandma Nalder’s jello rainbow salad with the green, white, and red layers. It was so yummy. It has always been a favorite of mine. I remember as a child always requesting that dish as part of my birthday meal. Ethan’s dad works at an orchard and we got to pick apples. I have never tasted a better granny smith apple in my life. I brought home a boxful and enjoying each one. We visited lots of relatives and had 2 movie nights where we got out the pillows and blankets and enjoyed lots of yummy treats. I finally saw “How to Train Your Dragon,” and the new “Christmas Carol” with Jim Carrey. I really liked the dragon movie it was super cute. The Christmas Carol was…well let me just say I enjoyed watching the making of the movie more than the actual movie.

The kids all played so well together. Lowen, Amy’s baby (16 months) was walking and Xadia decided she should try it full time. So now Xadia walks and when entering a room says, “hi.” It makes me laugh because she is so adorable. Lowen and Xadia liked to play the hugging game. Xadia would fuss, Lowen would run over and hug her. That would make Xadia stop. As soon as Lowen walked away, Xadia would start fussing again. So Lowen would run back over and hug her. It was so funny to watch them do this 4 different times.

McCabe, Lance, and Kade were one ball of wrestling boys. They would taunt and tease each other and then start wrestling then Uncle Tim would join and the house got loud and crazy. It was awesome.

Jacinda and Soli played dolls, did crafts, and colored. They were very busy doing their own activities. Whenever I go to the Stubbs, I rarely need to entertain my kids. They are so distracted with all the kids and activities….I love it. It gives Amy and I a time to catch up and talk.

As the week of Thanksgiving ended I was sick. Towards the end of the trip I lost my voice, had a terrible headache, and suffered from chills, most likely a result of a bad cold and bronchitis. I am doing much better now.

The month of December rocks! It has brought a bunch of snow and is very busy with church activities, weddings, and birthdays. This Sunday, Jacinda turns 6!!!! Whoa….when did all this happen? She is so big and such a pre-teen. She is telling me what she wants to do for her birthday party. McCabe is feeling the birthday spirit and started making his birthday invitations (by scribbling on paper and putting it in an envelope) even though he has 2.5 months before his special day. It is really fun being a mom and watching the magic emanate from my children. They give me a constant smile.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Saturday was absolutely beautiful. It was 71 degrees with clouds in the sky. We spent it outside at the Tracy Aviary. The kids loved the birds and Jacinda got her wish, a peacock with his tail feathers spreaded. She kept telling us that the blue peacocks were the girls and the brown ones were the boys. No matter what we said, we could not convience her otherwise. Someday she will learn and laugh when she reads this posting. Just remember honey, that the male peacocks spread their tail feathers to impress the girls.

The laughing kookaburras were a riot. There was about 7 of them and they sat quielty on their perch utnil Tim Fisher came along. He whipped out his phone, youtubed the sound of a kookaburr. Then played the sound for the birds and they went crazy flapping and making noise. A bunch of people came over to see the commotion and started laughing when they saw what Tim was doing with his phone. The man is brillant. Tim can liven any situation with his phone and internet. (I just love it!)

Sun in our eyes and smiling. Sasha, Xadia, and Jacinda

Tim, McCabe and Jacinda posing as birds.

Peacocks shaking their tail feathers for the ladies.

I had to take a picture of Tim. This is classic, when I want him to be serious he is seriously entertaining.

I love McCabe's face in this picture. He looks very excited.

Condor McCabe

Condor Jacinda.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Last week Jacinda took a dance class from the Bountiful High Mandonelles. She got to perform during the half time of the football game. It was so cute. She wore her costume and had a great time dancing. I was filming it and kept laughing because her hat kept falling over her eyes and she could not move it because she was holding hands with the other dancers. She tried diligently to move it. Over all it was a cute performance and very entertaining.

I had to take a picture of Jacinda sleeping with all her stuffed animals at her side. She claims that they are her "babies" and puts them to bed when it is time for her to go to sleep. Too precious!

My cute kids after a night of trick or treating.

Lots on fun on Halloween! Yes it was a down pour of rain and our sacrifice resulted in lots of candy. Today, McCabe wanted to hand out his candy to his friends. He took some to church for his class and visited Carly Christiansen home to give her a treat. Every time I turn around Jacinda and McCabe are eating some sort of treat. I had to put down my foot because Jacinda would not eat her dinner. She begged me for a Kit Kat but I kept telling her “no.” Finally she said, “I want to eat my dinner. Let me eat my dinner.” Wow! It is amazing what kids promise to do for a piece of candy.

So what do parents do when the check on their sleeping kids and find a plastic bug on the floor? They put it on their kids, laugh, and take pictures. I know…cheap entertainment.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Can I start with a complaint? I had to go to the DMV 3 times in one day. I could not believe it. The new law that was passed years ago made it so you had to show your social security card, birth certificate, proof of residency, and in my case married. I went the first time and did not have my social security card or birth certificate. No big deal, just a 12 minute drive back to Bountiful. I got the requested info and then I was back on my way. When I got to the DMV, I gave the lady my paperwork. She asked me for my marriage license….”uh that was not originally requested,” was my reply. “I know, but your social security card does not match the name on your birth certificate,” was her response. Arggg! I was fuming. So once again I had to go back home get my marriage license and return. Needless to say I finally got my license. I am glad it will take a few before it expires. I do not plan to visit the DMV any time soon.

This past weekend we went to Wheeler historic farm. I had not been there in over 2 decades. It was so neat to see the animals and different farm houses. While there I came to the conclusion that I would have perished early in pioneer life. I am not as tough as my ancestors. I rely way too much on my modern conveniences. However, we did enjoy a tractor ride, walking through the corn maze, and picking pumpkins to take home.

Sasha, McCabe, and Jacinda by a plow.

McCabe, Sasha, Jacinda, Tim, and Xadia

Hayden Nippert and McCabe at Wheeler Farm

Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year. I took some pictures of the beautiful colors that surround me. The reds are so bright and the yellows are so vibrant. I am so glad God made things like this for personal enjoyment.

Trees in Mueller Park

So as my kids are getting older and able to understand more, I am trying to be a proactive mother in teaching them different areas of life. I have a weekly calendar of events. Mondays are chore/work days. Tuesdays are craft days and this past week we made magnets. Wednesdays are cooking days and we made Russian tea cakes. The kids loved playing in the powder sugar. It was all over their fingers and mouths. Thursdays are activity/learning days. We learned about volcanoes and made one. We had it erupt using vinegar, red food coloring, and baking powder. Jacinda thought that was the coolest thing she had ever seen. Fridays are library days. Unfortunately we did not make it to the library. We had a rough morning. It started out with bath time but Xadia made a mess in the tub so the older kids took a shower. I asked them to get dressed immediately after getting out of the shower. They decided instead to play in their fort. They accidently bonked heads and Jacinda got a bloody nose and a headache. She laid on the bed resting for the next hour and half. Time got away and we had to get some filing cabinets. So the library will wait until this Friday.

Jacinda and McCabe

Tim and Xadia

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Today is a pretty neat date 10/10/10 and it is Xadia’s first birthday. We celebrated yesterday with family. The cousins came and we enjoyed a Mexican meal and yummy cake and ice cream. Xadia devoured her cake. I love how she got chocolate all over her face.

Mimi, Sasha, and Nana Hefner

McCabe, Quinten Johnson, Jacinda, Vaughn and Clark Johnson waiting for some cake.

Birthday girl Xadia eating her cake.

Birthday girl getting a bath.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ok so it has been forever since I last wrote on my blog but I have a good excuse….moving is time consuming. I feel like we are all moved in and on a schedule. However, yesterday was my birthday and since my battle with cancer birthdays are soooooooo special to me. (Thanks to all those who wished me a happy birthday.) It started with flowers and cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Then it was off to a well needed massage and then surprised with a box of mindy mints from Mrs. Cavanaugh’s chocolates (yummy!). The kids were begging me to open the box of chocolates in the car on the way home from the massage. They totally wanted to devour my birthday present. Ok I did cave because part of having a great birthday is sharing with others.

The afternoon was filled with work. I finished painting the cabinets and then helped Tim and the kids paint the columns in the front. I love the kids willingness to help but I had to scrape off their work and re-do it. They had globs of paint dripping down the columns onto the porch. What should have taken 30 minutes turned into 60 minutes (love it!!!). We finished just in time to hear conference. Wow!! I love the messages given. They are so needed. However, I must admit I feel overwhelmed as a parent because I have a huge responsibility to teach my children the gospel and raise them in love. I admit I get short with them but I need to stay focus. I am glad Heavenly Father has the apostles speak to remind me of my sacred duty as a mother.
I love being in Utah because the fall season is bringing gorgeous colors to the moutains. The mountains are filled with red, orange, and yellow leaves. It is absolutely beautiful. I will get a picture and post it. We do a lot of hikes. Jacinda and McCabe like to find a walking stick and look at everything on the trail. Jacinda is really good at spotting snakes. Today she saw one taking a nap in a dry creek bed.

Jacinda is getting really big. This year she will be six. She loves kindergarten and is very creative. Her latest kick is making octopus hands and rock drawings. In fact we went to a missionary re-union to see some of the elders we previously housed in Washington. Left to her own devices, Jacinda made 2 gifts and gave the rock drawing to Kelly Kemp and the octopus hand (filled with cotton balls) to Oakley Nelson. Both boys were very generous and thanked Jacinda for their gifts. She was beaming.
Picture rock (has a frog catching a fly with its tongue) and octopus hand done by Jacinda
(She likes it....she really likes it! Just a little blast from the past with the life cereal commericials)

Xadia is getting really close to walking. She will stand for a few seconds and then fall. It is very typical for her to pull herself up and hold the cabinets as she walks. Next Sunday is her first birthday. She is a cutie.

My happy Xadia

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

We are finally settled into our new home. The past two weeks have been crazy with getting our Longview housed packed and then unpacking in our new house. We are set next to Wasatch forest property under the “B” in Bountiful. It is very dry here (I forgot about that). The weather is very enjoyable as it heads into autumn. I have been busy cleaning our new home and fighting a little sickness. The second day in Utah I got laryngitis and an annoying cough. I think I am at the tail end of things (thank goodness). The first project was tiling a bathroom sink and painting the cabinet part black. I really like how it turned out. It took it from the nineties and brought it up to date. The second project was making curtains for the 14 foot windows. I will take a picture of that when I am finished. I am still waiting for my special order fabric to arrive.

Tim has been super busy with building shelves in the garage and chasing a mountain wood-rat. This wood-rat looks like a cross between a rat and a squirrel. Our house had been vacant for 4 years and this rodent moved into our bathroom duct sometime within those 4 years. Well Tim got on the job of catching that critter. It was a riot to watch my husband devise strategies to get the wood-rat. He set out rat traps, glue traps, and had a BB gun next to the back door. Well to make a long story short, after a night of watching for it and waking me up at 6:00 am, let me just say that the glue trap and 12 fatal shots did the trick.

Mountain wood rat and a little mouse in the glue trap

Look at the size of that thing!!

Awe....sweet victory!

Since the move, Jacinda has started school. She has Ms. Holbrook and loves kindergarten. She begs me to walk to school but we live 1.3 miles away so I will drive the majority of the route and then we will walk the rest of the way. It is so funny how she will hold my hand and pull me out of sheer excitement for school. I hope that motivation will stay with her for a very long time. I recall a time in 3rd grade when I decided to drop out of school when I got to high school. Funny how we change our minds and end up shifting into over drive.

Jacinda's first day of kindergarten

McCabe likes our street because he can ride his bike on the sidewalks. Every day he says to me, “I know, you walk baby and I ride my bike…how about that?” It is quite enjoyable to walk up and down the street. At the one end is a fantastic view of the temple and valley. I feel like I am standing on top of the world.

I wanted to share a little insight. Last week in church we talked about Job and the trials he faced. At the end of class I had a thought that summed up the discussion. I learned that to the faithful, trials are bonding moments with the lord. I can testify to that in my own personal life. It seems that I draw closer to the lord when life gets a little more difficult.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Here are some random pictures.

Tim, Xadia, McCabe, with Brinton, Preston, and Kate Squire posing for a picture by the giant squirrel. Only in Longview will you find a shrine built to squirrels. There is also a bridge for them to cross the street.

McCabe pleading with me not to take his picture. Sorry bud! I could not resist. You look so cute in your goggles and swim shorts.

Love this picture! Here are my 3 babies. They all decided to put on a diaper and crawl on the floor to be like Xadia.

My baby chomper. Look at those teeth!

Who can resist a game of airplane? Each child takes his/her turn. I am glad that Tim is very careful with the kids.

The flavor of this week is bittersweet. The word is out that we are moving to Bountiful Utah. I am excited about the change and happy to return to Utah but at the same time sad to say goodbye to the friends and family here in Longview Washington. There is not a day that passes without a headache. The children don’t quite understand but they are showing excitement for the move.

I have started packing and it is taking a long time. Come to think about it I am packing for 3 kids who cannot pack for themselves. I can’t believe how much stress goes with moving. This move is by far the most stressful (and we have moved 4 times). Trying to get the house sold, packing the house, and dealing with kids wears me down very quickly. At the moment, I am in the recliner listening to hymns while Xadia is upstairs in her crib crying. I need to get her but I am so tired, fortunately Tim just stepped in and is taking care of her. I am so grateful for his help.

This past week I ran into something strange. There was an article on yahoo about people who earn 6 figures by posting videos on youtube. The article gave the top 10 gross earners along with their sites. I watched a clip from the #1 and #10 top earners. I was disgusted. They were supposed to be comedy skits but I found them vulgar and demoralizing. There was a lot of cursing and references to genitals. It was uninspiring and sad to see that this is how part of society gets its thrills and entertainment.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wow, I can’t believe how tired I am. Summer has been packed with activities. We just finished with swimming lessons. I had to withdraw McCabe because he would not get in the water unless I was next to him. After the second lesson, I went to the front desk with soaking wet pants and asked for a refund. The YMCA was very nice and gave me a full refund. Jacinda is a different story. She loved her swimming lessons. By the end of the second week, she was able to swim the length of the pool all by herself. I am very proud of her.

This past week the squires (my sister and her family) came to visit. We went to the park, the river, and fixed our playground toy while they were here. McCabe and Brinton were so cute. They were best buds. Brinton asked if McCabe could come to his house and then would put his arm around his shoulder. McCabe would say, “yes, I will come.” And then put his arm around Brinton. Love these young boys.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

It has been a month since my last posting and we have been up to a lot of fun. We spent a week in Bend Oregon. Tim was working and the kids and I went bike riding, swimming, and bouncing (in the bounce houses). It was really hot. I got burned on my arms from all the bike riding.

I tried to teach Jacinda to ride without training wheels. She did a good job in the beginning and then got super frustrated. After about 30 minutes she decided it was too early to ride without training wheels. I hope she is not scarred and will be willing to try again soon.

Picture of Mt. Bachelor from our porch

Bend Oregon is really beautiful and very accommodating to tourists. We stayed at Sun River. The views were incredible. One night while sitting on the porch, a blue jay landed on the railing just feet in front of us. Jacinda put out some peanuts and the bird would pick them up and hide them in the grass. We were so enthralled with the bird that we started putting out other food like chips and crackers. Late that night, a momma raccoon came and got some of the chips. Tim took some pictures and she did not get spooked. I guess she is comfortable around humans.

After Oregon, we spent the next 2 weeks in California. Let me just say it was a busy vacation. The second day there, McCabe splits open his chin. He smacked it on the edge of the pool. He got liquid stitches but a week later he slipped getting down from the table and smacked his chin on the edge. This time he got the needle and thread stitches. Good thing he is a tough guy. He spent most of the trip with a bandage over his chin. I had a hard time looking at the wound. In fact, the night it happened, I had to leave the house because I was on the verge of passing out while crying. I am much better now and the cut is healing nicely.

McCabe with a bandage on his chin.

While in California, we went sailing at Lake Perris on Ethan’s catamaran. It was so much fun. Every evening Ethan would come home and say, “it is a perfect day to go sailing.” He loves being captain of the “sailsman.” While at Lake Perris, Xadia had time to taste a few sea shells. She loved sitting in the sand just far enough for the water to touch her toes and shells to be at her fingertips. Jacinda and McCabe were busy playing with their cousins. I was watching the kids while Tim was sailing. It was a perfect day.

The "Sailsman"

Xadia tasting the shells.

Tim and Sasha at Lake Perris

While in California, we also went to the beach. It was an overcast day (bummer) but the waves were calling and everybody was ready to have some fun. The water was cold and the waves were high….I have never seen waves that tall before. I am guessing they were about eight feet. To be honest, I was a little scared for my kids to go into the ocean with such massive waves. Thank goodness they stayed away from the deep and an adult was always with them. Tim taught them how to boogie board. Here are some cute pictures.

McCabe Boogie boarding

Jacinda Boogie boarding

The fourth of July was a blast (no pun intended). Amy and I made some goodies…moose munch popcorn and peanutbutter stuff to take to Redlands University to watch the fireworks. We met Tim’s side of the family. There were cousins and conversations everywhere. Lots of people gather for this show. We were there 3 hours early to get a spot. The show started with some parachutes and then some fighter planes flying over head. The fireworks were huge and Xadia did really well considering this is her first time seeing them and they were super loud. I am also very proud of McCabe. The past few 4th of July’s we would stay inside because he was so afraid of the noise. This past holiday he faced the fireworks like a champ.

By the time our trip came to a close, Jacinda was swimming without floaties, I had ruined one of Amy’s strollers(….accidently left it behind a car and it got hit), Xadia learned a normal crawl instead of an army crawl, and the kids saw were Tim and I lived as newlyweds. It was a fun vacation but I was ready to come home. I had to catch up on sleep and rest from my vacation. It is so good to be home.

Xadia doing her army crawl.

Jacinda and Tim