Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday, June 8, 2013

Ready or not, here is summer.  School is out and now it is time to deal with kids all day.  I am planning on a routine that consists of chores and learning during the morning and then the kids can play during the afternoon.  I have the best intentions so we will see how long this lasts.  The kids just want to go camping and swimming and visit their cousins in California.
We do not have any big plans this summer.   The biggest thing we did was have an out of school party.  We had snow cones and popcorn, played games, and watched an outdoor movie.  It was a lot of fun.  There were 17 kids along with some parents.  I want to do it again because it was so awesome.
The change of weather has brought allergies to our house.  Tim and I have a mild case.  Poor Jacinda, she has terrible allergies.  She has to take medicine twice a day along with eye drops.  If she does not take her eye drops her corneas swell with fluid.  It makes me so sad and my eyes start to itch.
Teagan is walking full time now with occasional falls.  Just the other day he fell into the corner of the island and got a nice cut on his forehead.  It was deep but not very wide.  I cleaned the blood and then super glued the cut.  I put a band-aid on his head.  The first two days were great.  Then he discovered the band-aid and now pulls it off.  He is so cute.  He is a big walking tummy.  His gut sticks out further than anything.  It is the first thing that enters when he walks into a room.  Teagan is saying “hi” and waving to everyone.  I love it.  He brings a big smile to my face.
McCabe’s latest adventure was finding a snake in the rock wall.  He and Tim caught it.  They put it in a big trash can, however, an hour later the snake was gone.  As I went to get my sun glasses out of the car, I saw the snake on the ground.  I screamed and the boys tried to catch it again.  It ended up slithering on the belly of our car.  I don’t know where it is now.  Hopefully it fell down while we were driving.

 McCabe has the tendency to say funny things.  While on our way to the rec. center, he kept singing “teenage mutant ninja turtles.”  When he got to the part about a turtle in a half shell, he would replace the word “turtle” with someone’s name and then just start laughing.  Then he would say, “that cracked me.”

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