Monday, January 14, 2008

Week of Doctor Visits

So if any of you can avoid it, that is my advice for today. The week of Jan. 14th is filled with exciting visits to the doctors. I have a PET scan Wednesday, another oncologist visit Thursday (for a 2nd opinion), and then I meet with the radiation doctor on Friday. I have some good news, the bone marrow biopsy showed no signs of cancer. (YEAH!!) However, I am a little frustrated with how long it is taking to get the treatments started. I figure the sooner I get the chemo, the sooner the cancer will be gone. Oh yes, let's not forget, the sooner the chemo is started the sooner I can wear my new wigs. I have taken some of your advice. I ordered a blond, brunette, and an auburn wig. As soon as they arrive, I will post a picture or two with my new hairdo.

As this idea of having cancer becomes more of a reality I become more uneasy. I think this is the first time in my life I have been scared of losing weight. It is a time in my life where I become incredibly dependent on others. I will be limited in my abilities of serving others and will be required to learn about becoming a gracious receiver.

I know this is not a death sentence. I am thankful that Hodgkin's has a very high cure rate. However, I wish that it was not me. I thank all of you for your comments and e-mails. I am definitely going to check out some of the suggested movies. That's it for now.


Alison said...

Sasha I am so sorry to hear the news. I wish that I had some words that would make everything all right. I can't even image how you must be feeling. I would be happy to do anything you need done. I will pray for you and ask my family to pray for you as well. Hang in there and have fun in Disneyland.
Alison (Kjar) Umpleby

Peggy G. said...

Sasha ~ I appreciate you sharing your experience through this trial in life. Those of us that know you know you have the strength to get through this. When I struggle with the choice to be a Giver or Receiver, I remind myself that it isn't Christian of me if I deny the other person from receiving the Blessing they will get in the process of Giving of themselves. I don't know what movies have been suggested to you, but my favorite comedy is "Overboard" with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn. I never get tired of this one. LOL

You showed me a wonderful side of yourself last summer when you called to check on me while I was staying with Denise and Doug and wasn't in the best of condition myself. Thank You again!

You're in my prayers daily. My Love to you and your family. Peggy Gilbertsen

Lacey said...

Thanks for the updates. I think this is awesome place for you to record your thoughts feelings and emotions. The good and the bad and it can be such a blessing to look back and see how much you have grown. Love you guys! -Lacey