Monday, January 21, 2008

It's Happening

Well there has been a change of plans. My doctor wants to start treatment immediately. I get my port in tomorrow (1/22/08) so that my veins will be readily accessible for meds. ( I sure get tired of being poked 3 times before a vein is found.) My first treatment is Thursday 1/24/08. I know I said I wanted to get chemo started as soon as possible, but now I am really scared and sad. I don't want to have any pain. I don't want this to be a reality. I guess I am starting to become a bit weak. I am trying so hard to focus on my support system but it is so hard. No doubt this is the most challenging trial in my life thus far.


Head vs Heart said...

I stumbled across your blog........You are strong in my prayers!!!!!!! YOU WILL BEAT THIS! Stay strong for this beautiful family you have. They need you!!! :) Many MANY fervent prayers and hope!

boni said...

you are truely blessed with a loving family, find your strength in the cuddle times with the kids and your loving husband. you may be scared of the unknown but find the courage to geet everyday with love. and bald can be beautiful too.


Unknown said...

Wow that is much sooner. I will be praying for you and hoping its not going to hurt or weaken you too much. I love you and so proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sasha

Dropping a line to let you know I'm definetily saying an extra prayer for you everything will be alright, You have a beautiful family My Gosh you have lots ahead.

Amber said...


I'm so glad I came across your blog. But sad at the same time, to hear your news. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I know your positive attitude will help you during this trying time.

Amber (Tanner) McNamee