Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A note to Sasha:

Sasha, I love you and am glad to be by your side.... Albeit it is tough watching you endure the crucial treatments, but if anybody can get through them, SASHA can. Believe you me! Notice how I used the word endure? There are times when we get overwhelmed and can’t see one hour into the future. REMEMBER that what we are experiencing now is but very small piece of time in the tapestry of eternity. There is SO much more that we have to do before we can have the thought of giving up. I know at times I can be a grouchy 30 something year old boy but I do need and appreciate you. You are what gives me joy, growth, inspiration, and direction in my life. We have worked to hard not to be able to enjoy the fruits of our labors. Hang in there and know that someday we will reflect on the tremendous growth and bonding we have both experienced by enduring this challenge. I love you. Tim


Leslie said...

that is so sweet.

Anonymous said...

What's not to love!! Sasha you are an incredible woman and I am blessed to have you as a sister in law. Your ability to endure this proves what an amazing person you are. You and Tim are a strong suit and I am so happy to see you so close. What a wonderful family you have. I know that this challenge is difficult for you but you are beating it like a true champion. I am very proud of you.

The Glenn Fam said...

That is so sweet!

Jill said...
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Jill said...

Tim, Jason here . . . .you never cease to amaze me with your affections and support. All in good taste brother! We enjoy keeping up with you and your family thru the Blog and thru conversation. WE love you guys and look forward to seeing you again very soon!

Unknown said...

Awesome! Is there going to be a lesson soon in Elders Quorum for those that maybe lack a certain way with words because it sounds like you need to teach that lesson I honestly don't think they will think its cool unless its you, Tim to teach it. Sasha is very blessed. But you are extremely blessed to have such a great wife,friend,companion and sometimes mom (hehe).