Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008

This past week was a roller coaster. In the beginning of the week I was sick with a virus. It made my throat and ears sore. I also had a bad cough and lost my voice. Towards the end of the week I felt good except my voice sounded froggy and I still have a little cough. I am reading a great little book that is giving me a lot of optimism. It is one of those Chicken Noodle Soup for the Soul except it is geared toward cancer survivors. I love it because it reminds me that the mind is a very powerful tool when it comes to healing and triumphing over personal health battles. I am starting to look at having cancer in a different way. It really helps that I only have 2 more treatments, one more after this Wednesday. (By the way, thanks to whomever sent this book. Could you also identify yourself? I would like to know who sent it.)

I would like to give an update on the kids but I can’t remember much from this week (blame it on the chemo brain). Oh I do remember that Jacinda did discover silly putty and loves it. She thinks it is a new kind of play-dough. McCabe is still as cute as can be. I have enjoyed rocking him to sleep. Each night I would hold him and rock him in the glider. He puts his head against my chest and eventually falls asleep. This is a precious moment I don’t ever want to miss.

My sister Roxanne and her family came up for a few days. It was fun having her around and the kids. The house was very busy and the kids very active. It was very enjoyable to hear the laughter and the playing. Kids are amazing. They see the world in such a different light. I love seeing what simple things are important to them.


Anonymous said...

Keep it up Sasha. We love you. Continue with your strength and our paryers are with you.

Unknown said...

Kids are glorious! Maybe thats why I've been in Primary for ages...I get more strength and enduring reserves from them than anything else in my world...I love you so much my dear friend and I pray for your victorious recovery everyday and I am so happy and fortunate that I know you and associate with such a positive force to be reckoned with and I know that you and your family are little angels in my world that help lift me up when I am feeling down. Thanks and I know that God will bless you and heal you! You Rock!...especially at singing Queen with me!

Luis, Merry & family said...

Hello Sasha!

I am so glad you are enjoying that book I sent! It breaks my heart to hear that you are feeling so miserable. I just want to run up to Washington and give you a hug! You are one tough mama. We love you!

Merry and family

Marisa May said...

It's good now that your kids don't understand what's going on, but someday in the future when they hear about it they will love you and appreciate you all the more. You are in the home stretch now! You can do it!

NW Varneys said...

Hi Sasha! Just wanted to let you know my positive thoughts and prayers are with you in this next round of chemo--next to last! You are amazing. :)

I wanted to tell you that Jacinda did show me her silly putty the other day; she was pretty proud of it. :)

And I love the playlist you have, especially IZ's version of somewhere over the rainbow. I thought I had touched a key on the computer on accident when that came on, because it is very often playing on our computer these days. (Aaron is learning it on the guitar). Great song!

Leslie said...

i can rule myself out. i didn't send you that book. :)
i am so glad you only have two more treatments. you are an amazing person.
kids ARE wonderful. they truly do give you a perspective on life that you would forget about if they weren't around to remind us.
love you sasha.

Kae said...

Sasha I believe you only have one more let,yea!! I love how you are looking for the positive in all of this. Your kids will be stronger as well as you and Tim because of this. Good luck. Kae

Anonymous said...

We sure think of you guys a lot and hope things are going well. Hang in there Tim with the balancing act while being Mr. Mom. Sasha - you look great and we hope you feel better soon from these dadgum treatments.

Travis and Lacey