Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

I am hoping I'm on the uphill of recovery. I have 2 left and it gets harder and harder to take the treatments. Last Monday I started crying because I knew that I was going to get chemo and that I was going to feel sick. However, this last chemo treatment was a little different. I met someone from Longview. Katie is a young lady (younger than me) and she just discovered cancer in her leg. She gets 3 treatments (lucky girl versus my 8!!). We swapped phone numbers and she is experiencing the yucky side-effects for the first time. This whole experience has made me think that life is some-what hard to live when your health is compromised. My biggest complaint this week is a dry mouth. I need to smother everything in a sauce or a liquid. It is an odd feeling to have.

This whole cancer ordeal is rarely affecting Jacinda. I think she is still too young to understand. She just keeps on living and enjoys putting band-aids wherever there is a scratch, bruise, or red-mark on her body. I think she went through 5 of them today. It is definitely time to find a new hiding spot for those things. Tim has the hardest job of all, he has to put up with me. All I did these past 4 days was sleep. I can't remember much. I barely remember Sabrina bringing me flowers (which I enjoy very much). Tim gets to cook, clean, and baby-sit. He even said that being a mother is hard work (because he could not clean the garage and watch the kids at the same time). Well it was nice to hear the compliment, but I will be much happier when things are back to normal.


The Glenn Fam said...

It's good for the husbands to have a taste of what we do. Then they appreciate us a little more :) I think it was Ballards talk on sunday afternoon session that had me laughing about how he sat on the back pew with his 6 young children and he was trying to "entertain" all of them with finger puppets, cheerios and coloring books. You two will make it through this, it may be hard now but it will only bring you closer together and strengthen your marriage for the long run. I am glad that you are almost done with your chemo. If you need anything just give a call....

Leslie said...

i am sure 'normal' for you will never be what it was before cancer. things like that put things into a different perspective, don't they?
my 'normal' will never be 'normal' again. i have no idea how to find a 'new normal' to be honest.
you are in my thoughts and prayers.
love always,
leslie *

Anonymous said...

Tell Tim to keep up the good work! his job is even harder than just a moms, because he's got to be both mom and dad! Enjoy all that sleep while you can, because when you're healthy it's going to be right back to all the craziness of a young mother. I think that you are incredibly brave!!!! I think of and pray or you often. And getting teary eyed thinking of what a great friend you are. Hang in there and call anytime!! *hugs*

Lacey said...

Sasha, you are brave and strong and although you feel very weak at times you are quite the opposite. Hang in there, I bet you can just taste the end of all this. Tell Tim he is awesome for being him and doing all that he has done. We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

I miss you so much Sasha! Tim is a good dad and loves you so much. It's hard to let someone take over for you, but I am glad you are near the end of chemo. You are almost done hang in there, or out there, love you lots.

Unknown said...

Tim & Sasha,

Tanya referred me to your blog, and I am so glad you're blogging. Otherwise, I would have never known what you guys are going through! I read through all of your posts--Sasha, you're beautiful even with no hair and I'm so glad you're at the tail end of your treatment and that things are looking good. So sorry for all of the yucky stuff you've had to go through, though. You guys will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Your kids are cuties-so fun to see you guys again. I'll be checking up on you-thanks for posting your journey through all of this...

Nancy (Carroll) Lamb

Unknown said...

Almost done! Yay! I'm shouting for joy for you it's almost done and I am so proud of you and look forward to your health coming back...we should have a party!
Lots and lots of love!