Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

(My family out enjoying the gorgeous weather)

Oh I am so excited. Just one more chemo treatment left. I thought this moment would never come. I can feel the strength returning to my body. It is amazing what this cancer experience has done to me. One thing in particular is that I started contacting friends that I have not spoken to in 10 years. We all went our different ways and had families or found careers. Well I decided to check up on some of them to see how they are doing. (Just because there was a time span of silence doesn’t mean I stop thinking about them.) It was great to see what has happened over the years. One works at BYU another is studying to become a lawyer, and another is a doctor in electrical engineering. Some have families others are still searching for the right companion. You know having friends makes time more precious and mortality a worthwhile experience.

These past 3 days I have been sleeping so much. I get about 15 hours of sleep a day. I think the tiredness is finally wearing off. Uncle Doug and Aunt “niece” are watching my babies. I am very excited to get them back today. When they come home, I am going to kiss their faces off!!

This week my sister Natalie (my sister from Texas) is coming. This will be fun. She is big into interior design. I am hoping she can give me some good ideas so I can have something to think about in my spare time.


Jill said...

Congratulations on nearing the final stretch! You can do it!!!

I'm also impressed that you've added music and other links to your blog. I love checking in - thanks for the updates.

Elizabeth said...

I'm glad things seem to be looking up and you are almost done!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you're almost done!! That is so great!!! You have done an wonderful job with everything, from putting up an amazing fight to having such a great attitude about it all. Keep it up and know that we're all pulling for you!! Love ya!

Unknown said...

Hey - just got the email from Bonnie D. I didn't know you guys blogged. Sorry about the cancer, and good luck with the chemo - we'll keep you in our prayers!

Ann said...

I just got the news from Bonnie, too. What a huge trial, but I'm so glad it may soon be over. You are in our prayers.

Lacey said...

Almost there, wow what an experience and I am sure your family has grown and been blessed through it all. Travis told me that you guys are planning an AZ trip in NOV. We would LOVE to have you guys, it would be great however I feel the guilt of you guys always coming to us and we never seem to make it to you. We love you guys and hang in there.

Wight's said...

Sasha, I don't know if you remember me, but does the name Amy Webster ring any bells? Well I ran across your blog from Laurie who found mine and wow. It really does make you look back and remember all the good times, you're right about even though you don't always see those that you know all the time, you still think about them. You are such a trooper, I am sorry that I didn't even know. You are an amazing person, keep up the great attitude, congrats on making it through. Go ahead and check out my blog if you want, I hope it is okay to add you to my list. Let me know if that is okay.

Leslie said...

ONE MORE?!?!?!?!
let us know how it goes.