Can I start with a complaint? I had to go to the DMV 3 times in one day. I could not believe it. The new law that was passed years ago made it so you had to show your social security card, birth certificate, proof of residency, and in my case married. I went the first time and did not have my social security card or birth certificate. No big deal, just a 12 minute drive back to Bountiful. I got the requested info and then I was back on my way. When I got to the DMV, I gave the lady my paperwork. She asked me for my marriage license….”uh that was not originally requested,” was my reply. “I know, but your social security card does not match the name on your birth certificate,” was her response. Arggg! I was fuming. So once again I had to go back home get my marriage license and return. Needless to say I finally got my license. I am glad it will take a few before it expires. I do not plan to visit the DMV any time soon.
This past weekend we went to Wheeler historic farm. I had not been there in over 2 decades. It was so neat to see the animals and different farm houses. While there I came to the conclusion that I would have perished early in pioneer life. I am not as tough as my ancestors. I rely way too much on my modern conveniences. However, we did enjoy a tractor ride, walking through the corn maze, and picking pumpkins to take home.
Sasha, McCabe, and Jacinda by a plow.
McCabe, Sasha, Jacinda, Tim, and Xadia
Hayden Nippert and McCabe at Wheeler Farm
Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year. I took some pictures of the beautiful colors that surround me. The reds are so bright and the yellows are so vibrant. I am so glad God made things like this for personal enjoyment.
Trees in Mueller Park
So as my kids are getting older and able to understand more, I am trying to be a proactive mother in teaching them different areas of life. I have a weekly calendar of events. Mondays are chore/work days. Tuesdays are craft days and this past week we made magnets. Wednesdays are cooking days and we made Russian tea cakes. The kids loved playing in the powder sugar. It was all over their fingers and mouths. Thursdays are activity/learning days. We learned about volcanoes and made one. We had it erupt using vinegar, red food coloring, and baking powder. Jacinda thought that was the coolest thing she had ever seen. Fridays are library days. Unfortunately we did not make it to the library. We had a rough morning. It started out with bath time but Xadia made a mess in the tub so the older kids took a shower. I asked them to get dressed immediately after getting out of the shower. They decided instead to play in their fort. They accidently bonked heads and Jacinda got a bloody nose and a headache. She laid on the bed resting for the next hour and half. Time got away and we had to get some filing cabinets. So the library will wait until this Friday.
8 months ago
Oh the DMV. I did that recently too. Except my UT license was expired so they made me retake the test, with 3 kids in tow I might ad. My hubby didn't have to so I expected the same. What a pain.
Fun weekly traditions. Monday is cleaning day for us too. And Tuesday and Wednesday...seems like I am always cleaning. 801-450-3453!!
Wow the DMV sounds like a huge headache! I would have gone postal on them! Your amazing Sash and your not giving yourself enough credit, I'm positive that you would be an excellent pioneer. The kids are so adorable and I'm sure are loving how every day they are learning something new! Good ideas...I might have to use me- self!
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