Sunday, March 2, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Nothing too much is happening. We went to the circus last night. It was a fun small town circus. I liked watching the elephants, the clowns, and the dancing poodles. Kids 12 and under got in free but don't worry, the circus recovered their money nicely because parents end up paying for elephant rides, pony rides, sno-cones, etc... (Now there is some smart marketing!)

Amy, my sister-in-law is with me this week. It is nice to have her here because I can go to sleep at moments notice and the kids will be watched. I still have the annoying stomach cramping and nauseating feelings. These side-effects make it very hard to have the last 3 treatments. I get to a point where I need encouragement. I am tired of feeling the pain and think it would be easier just to give up. But then I think about all the things I have worth living for. At times it is hard to find that fine balance. I would love to hear from all you about what you do for motivation and encouragement. If you have a moment, please enlighten me. Thanks!!


Anonymous said...

Hang in there and remember that we're all praying for you and LOVE you!! It will all be over soon, only a few more treatments.

Marisa May said...

I think family and friends are the best encouragement. Just to talk to them and know that they care about you. I also like to read good books for motivation. I wish I could do something for you to cheer you up! You are normally so happy that you inspire those around you. I know that person will be back when you are better."J vlbmn. b.,mv oops, that's a message from Jarom to you. I gotta go.

NW Varneys said...

Hi Sasha!
I just discovered your blog the other day--I'm so glad you are halfway done and that things are looking good!. But I know that doesn't make the pain go away or make the trial you are facing any easier. I wish I could fast-forward things for you!
When I am discouraged, I let it all out to someone close to me that will simply be a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on without trying to fix things. Usually that helps me get back in balance and see things a little more clearly or at least makes me feel stronger. It also helps for me to focus on the things that bring me joy whether that be certain people I want to surround myself with, or things I like to do but haven't in a while, or just marking a day on the calendar and saying this is the day I am going to ______ (fill in the blank with a distraction or reward of sorts and something you will really look forward to). Maybe something you've always wanted to do, but for whatever reason haven't made the plans yet. Make the plans now!
Hopefully that made sense. Thinking of you and praying for you!
Julie V
PS You've got mail. Well, Jacinda does, anyway.... :)

Anonymous said...

Hey beautiful!
My cousin felt the same way when she was going through chemo. Every day probably feels like an eternity.
Soon this will be a distant memory!!! I am glad you are married to a funny guy. Read uplifting books and watch funny movies. We love you!
Merry and family

Anonymous said...


I'm sending you a book from, I hope you like it:)


Anonymous said...

Hi Sasha,

Movies can only do so much, huh? For some spirit strenghening look at Foundation for a Better Life's website. There are TV ads to see, Quotes, posters. It really is inspirational. I even put a link to it from my library website and send the daily thought to all the RAL faculty.

Love, Joan

Amber said...

What a trooper you are. I am sad that you are going through this right now, but you are an amazing person and will come out shining. When I'm having a bad day I like to sit and right down all that I am grateful for - it always makes the bad day seem a little less (plus it's fun to go back and read what I've written when I really need it).

Hang in there and I love the hair in the picture.


Anonymous said...

Isiah 41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God (and will still give thee aid): I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee (and cause thee to stand); yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

(added from the hymn)

You do not walk your life's journey alone or unaided. You are helped and strengthened.