Saturday, March 2, 2019

Thursday, February 28, 2019

      The weather is starting to turn warm and the box elder bugs are appearing.  Jacinda got a job at Lagoon.  Today is her first day of training.  I am very proud of her.  Work experience will only refine and make her a better person.
                McCabe just registered for Jr. High.  The reality that my babies are growing too fast hits me hard.  I am happy for his next chapter in life but sad that he will no longer be in elementary school.  As he registered for school, two of his friends (Thorin Carlisle and Ben Anderson) were there also.  They decided to film and act funny as McCabe was receiving his immunizations.  They were hoping McCabe would cry when the needle went in his arm.  They were sorely disappointed.  McCabe was a champ.  No tears from him.
                Xadia is enjoying spirit week.  I think her favorite was crazy hair day.  She wanted her hair to stand up.  It took both Tim and me to construct a mechanism that would hold up her hair. I think she liked all the silent attention. 

Xadia is also wanting to get into running.  She has decided to try her abilities at “Girls on the Run.”  A program that coaches and prepares girls to run a 5K race.  Of course she will need a running buddy.  I think Tim will be the perfect fit since I am suffering at the moment with dizzy spells.
                Teagan is wearing out his shoes like no other kid.  His shoe was so worn that the sole bent half way back.  Of course we could not find the match to his cowboy boots and we could not send him to school in his socks, so we found a pair of soccer cleats that did the trick.  Unfortunately they were 2 sizes too big but it worked for the day until we could get some new shoes.  Never mind the cleat flying off his foot when playing tag.  He is a happy little boy.
                We started having the kids plan and help cook dinner meals.  Jacinda chose pot stickers with rice and orange chicken.  McCabe fixed mashed potatoes, steak, and rolls.  Xadia had chicken nuggets, fruit salad, yams, and a vegetable salad.  Teagan chose spaghetti, garlic bread, and pears.  I have never had spaghetti quite like Teagan and Tim made it.  The noodles were like a big pile of mush as a result of overcooking.  It was a very strange consistency.  I did not care much for it.  I focused on dipping my garlic bread into the spaghetti sauce.  That made dinner palatable.  It has been a huge relief having kids help with meals.  I like that they are eating the food and it does not get wasted.  They are also helping clean the kitchen after the meal which is also very nice.

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