Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sunday, March 31, 2019

     We had a fun week with the kids.  We did so many things.  We made cinnamon rolls.  Teagan has reminded me that Saturday and Sunday mornings there should be cinnamon rolls or a ring-a-ling.  The kids always like to help make the food.  The cinnamon rolls turned out delicious.

McCabe threw a scone and potato chip party.  He invited some friends from school and they came and made potato chips and scones.  They also had a good time playing in the basement.  The party was to go from 6 to 8.  But the kids were having such a good time, they did not leave until 10 pm.  I am glad they could hang out at our house.

Teagan celebrated birthday tables this month at school.  He was able to invite one friend.  He invited Amelia.  She was a very quiet but nice girl.  Amelia's sister was also at birthday tables and her sister, Rhea invited Xadia as her friend.  It was so fun to see my kids at school.  I like celebrating their existence.

Jacinda had her first day at work.  She stood all day taking money and allowing people into Lagoon.  When she got home, her feet were so sore.  I am very proud at her enthusiasm to work.  She gets to go back the next day and stand some more.

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