Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sunday, April 23, 2017

      As Tim would say, "wash, rinse, and repeat."  That is how our life is going right now.  It seems like there is no change from day to day.  I get up, take care of the kids, do a little work, and then take care of kids.  Things start to calm down after the kids get into bed.  But nothing exciting happened this week.
      We worked on our trailer.  It now has walls and a ceiling.  There is still a lot to do.  Teagan constantly reminds us that his fortune says, “take me camping.”  He found a piece of paper near the church with that saying and it looked like it was from a fortune cookie so I said, “that is your fortune.”  Now he will not let me forget it.  So we are working hard to get the trailer finished so we can take him camping.
      We also worked on the yard this weekend.  The tulips have bloomed.  There deer did not get them this year…..score one for me.  We planted some phlox in the rock wall.  It is going to look fabulous in 2 years. 

      Easter was great.  Tim was so proud of me.  I did not go overboard with the Easter baskets.  Xadia wrote a cute note to the Easter bunny thanking him for being the best and for bringing her candy and stuffed animals.  The kids also celebrated Easter at school.  Teagan made a bunny hat and Xadia had an Easter egg hunt.  It was a fun holiday.

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