Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday, April 7, 2013

I love spring break.   We had such a fun time at Duck Creek and the Stubbs family.  We got to have a campfire and roast marshmallows and hot dogs.  We were able to visit Zion’s National Park and Bryce Canyon both were totally amazing.  I loved watching the kids play together.  Cousins are so much fun especially when they perform their funny Cub Scout skits.  The boys got to chop down a dead aspen tree.  They thought that was totally cool.  Kade (who is six) really loves to play with the hatchet.  It makes me nervous but his parents re-assured me that he has had many lessons on how to properly use it.
                I got to listen to bits and pieces of general conference this weekend.  I will listen to it again later this week after the kids are asleep.  I just loved Jeffery R. Holland’s talk about being patient with others because we are all imperfect people trying our best to strive for perfection.  Heavenly Father is definitely patient with us and we need to remember to love and just appreciate those around us for trying their best.  Something funny happened that I need to record.  While watching Saturday’s session of conference McCabe and Jacinda kept running around and making noise.  Tim and I asked them numerous times to be quiet.  Our efforts were fruitless.  Later that night when we came in the playroom to have the kids get ready for bed, McCabe told us to be quiet because he could not hear Scooby-Doo.  Tim politely responded, “You want me to be quiet so you can hear Scooby-Doo when earlier today you would not be quiet and listen to the prophet of God speak?  You have got it backwards.”  One day the kids will get it and they will love general conference just as much as me and Tim.

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