Sunday, July 22, 2012

Monday, July 23,2012

It has been a busy week.  We are getting ready to put sod in our yard.  We are also deciding on a water feature.  I would love one but hesitate because of the cost.  Unless we find a design that really wows us, we will not get one.
The kids had tae kwon do testing on Saturday.  They are now blue belts.  Jacinda broke her board on her first ax kick and McCabe was complimented for his back arch.  He was so good that Master Kim did not need to count to 10 (as he did with the other students) he just told the audience that McCabe loves to do back bridges.  His arch was nice and high and his head did not touch the mat.  After a little while, master Kim told McCabe he did well and to sit on the mat.
I have been getting crafts ready for super Saturday.  We are going to make family blocks, wreaths, bath fizzies and fabric roses.  I can’t believe how much time I spent on these crafts.  It was much longer than expected but I need a prototype for the display.  I hope we have good participation.  After doing these crafts, I have great appreciation for the past enrichment night committee who planned these activities. 
Teagan is so cute.  He is getting big of course.  He smiles a lot and makes cute noises.  He has no desire to take a pacifier but he does love to suck on his fingers and toes.  It is so fun to watch Teagan lay on his back and grab his feet and then put them up to his mouth.  He is such a sweet baby.

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