Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sunday, July 29, 2018

              Had such a fun time at the beach for the 4th of July.  We had a mini Fisher Family reunion at Doheny Beach.  We were camping right next to the beach in a pop-up trailer.  We had lots of fun.  We did tons of boogie boarding, Teagan was an animal and constantly boogie boarding.  McCabe and Tim did a lot of fishing.  They even went deep sea fishing. Xadia played a lot in the sand and Jacinda played in the water with cousins and Jaycee (her friend).
                The firework show was incredible.  I loved watching them in the air and their reflection on water.  We were fortunate enough to go to Lego Land Water Park thanks to Ben and Jacob Fisher.  They got us in for free.  Teagan loved the wave pool and the water slides.  The girls went to Disneyland with Kari and Jenny.
                Towards the end of the trip I felt successful because not one of my kids had a sunburn.  I spent many moments putting sunblock on my kids.  The biggest help was a face stick.  That was the best.  I usually struggle with the eyes but the face stick made it so easy.

                This past week, Chris and Tricia (and family) came to visit.  Before their visit, we met them in Jackson Hole for some river rafting down the Snake River.  We had a blast.  I was very worried about Xadia and Teagan, but they did great.  Teagan was so happy.  He kept cracking Chuck Norris jokes.  He obviously is picking up on McCabe’s habits.  The kids loved playing in the water when the river was calm and then jumping in the raft when the guide said to get in.

                On the way home, Chris hit a deer and damaged his car.  I felt so bad.  Tricia was really shaken.  After a night of sleep, she felt better in the morning.  Fortunately, there was no deductible and the insurance rented a car so they can get home.
                Jacob had an encounter with a spider and reverted back to a 5-year-old.  He was screaming and calling for his mom.  The kids decided to have fun and shut him in the food storage closet with the spider and turn out the lights.  Finally, the kids let up and Jacob was let out of the storage closet.
                The kids had many fun days at Farmington Pond swimming and fishing.  One night we ate cinnamon rolls and watched Tim and the family be interviewed on the news about technology.  Tim had everyone in the house call him the “tech expert.”  It was so much fun having the Fisher’s out our house.  I was sad when they went home.

News article of Tim and the family about technology

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