Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Family pictures…..or as I like to call it, “voluntary torture.”  We had pictures taken last weekend.  It was not as bad as some years but Teagan could not give a decent grin.  So we did the best we could.  A little sprinkle of rain was occurring.  Nothing too major, but as the shoot continued, it started to pour.  A few of the pictures were not very pleasing because our shirts are sprinkled with rain drops and our hair is flat and wet.  I selected the best ones and will display them around the house.  One of my favorite pictures is our “crazy pose.”  I am hanging that on the wall between the office and the bathroom.  I want all to see that one.
(Crazy poses)

I love my family.  I have some of the goofiest boys.  They loved to making silly poses or doing funny things in front of the camera.  My girls were more reserved.  I can see how the boys take after Tim and the girls take after me.
Xadia is in a slime phase.  She loves to make slime out of glue, borax, and cornstarch.  She and Zoey Kister cold spend hours making buckets of slime.  I am so pleased with Xadia.  She is doing well in school and works hard to complete her piano each day.  She has become quite a reliable person.  A few days ago at the chili cook off, she did such a great job watching Sammy and Louie Neilsen.  Xadia is going to be a great baby sitter someday.
   McCabe is gearing up for lawn mowing season.  Each day he makes calls to the neighbors about taking care of their lawn for the summer.  It is a great business for the kids….and Tim.  I occasionally help when my schedule does not conflict.  Mac likes to earn money and then spend it at the gas station.  He usually buys f’real ice cream or slurpees.  I am glad he is learning the value of hard work.
Jacinda is becoming quite a good little artist.  She has an assignment to draw 5 mouths, 5 noses, and 5 sets of eyes.  I am so impressed with her ability.  If I were to try that, you would get stick figure faces.  She is amazing.  She also got her hair cut and braces on her teeth.  She looks so good with her shorter hair.  She does not like it.  In fact, she was crying and telling me to stop cutting it.  I think in time she will like it especially since she looks a lot like her best friend Brooklyn Thompson.
             Teagan is my reading machine.  He likes to read his phonic books so he can get a treat from the treasure box at school.  He also likes to play on the computer and watch videos.  Once I walked in the room and he was watching an animation on babies growing in the uterus.  I don’t know if he is paying attention to the content or if he is just numb and being entertained with the animation.    

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