Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday, March 20, 2017

                I got to watch McCabe’s class today do some dancing.  It was great to see all the kids dancing.  Some kids were really into what they were doing and others were pacifying their time.  McCabe had a mixture of both moments.  When he saw me, he tried to hide his smile.  I could tell he was happy to see me but did not want to show it openly.  Too bad…..he was busted.  I took Teagan with me to the performance and part way through he slipped outside the gym.  He got locked out and ended up walking through the door and talking to McCabe during the performance.  At first I wanted to put down the camera, run to Teagan, grab his hand and put Teagan him back in his seat but the wiser part of me took over.  I just sat in my seat and recorded the whole ordeal.  I figured he would make it back to his seat, eventually.  Sure enough, Teagan found his place.

                Today I took Teagan to Pre-school.  His picture was on the wall outside of the classroom.  He was holding a sign that said, “When I grow up, I want to be a dad.”  I am so proud of his choice.  Other children wanted to be a doctor, a witch, superman, or a fireman.  I asked Teagan what he will do as a dad and he said, “go to work.”  Teagan sure loves his dad (Tim).  I am glad Tim is a good role model for him.

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