Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday, May 18, 2014

I just love Mother’s Day.  This past one was not too different from my normal everyday experience, except I did lots of gifts from the family.  Tim got the kids ready for church and gave them breakfast while I got ready….alone.  That was great because Xadia and Teagan usually get in my make-up as I am trying to put it on.  I usually waste my time trying to get the cosmetics away from the kids and then wiping it off their faces.  When I walked downstairs to eat breakfast, Xadia was crying.  McCabe had tear-stained cheeks, and Jacinda’s face was all red indicating that her feelings had been hurt.  “What happened?” I asked.  “You don’t want to know,” was his response.
On the way to church I was all smiles but not Tim.  Tim looked at me and said, “You don’t even know.  I was with the kids for 20 minutes while you got ready.”  I just laughed and said, “dear, that is my normal routine everyday.  I deal with crying kids as you are off working.”  “O.k. maybe you do understand,” was his response.  Of course I do and I am glad he gets a taste of it.  It was a great start to Mother’s day.  He was beginning to understand what it is like to be a mom.

Later that day he made this comment, “to decrease the number of repeated offenders, they should make them serve time as an elementary teacher as their community service.  That would keep me on the straight path.”  It is really nice to have a husband that understands how hard a wife/mother works.  He is a good man.  He got all the girls in the family a lily and a box of chocolates.  He had McCabe give the ladies the gifts.  After I received my gifts McCabe said, “Mom, for dad’s day can you get me a box of chocolates?”  He was gearing up for his turn to receive gifts.  I loved it and of course the girls will get their brothers something for father’s day because they will be a father some day.  I have such a great family.

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