Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I am so excited.  I got this new blender that makes a lot of hard fruits and vegetables into a smooth liquid consistency.  So I tried it out this morning and it was so good.  I put in carrots, peaches, spinach, blueberries, and a little agave.  The color was nasty looking but it tasted so good.  The kids even drank a glass; of course I told them the ingredients after they finished their smoothie.  Finally, I am getting some spinach and other healthy things into their bodies.  In fact, there is a recipe for ice cream with spinach and Jacinda is so excited to make it.  Forget about the 2.5 gallon container of Aggie blue mint ice cream (with oreo type cookies and white chocolate) in my freezer, she wants the veggies.  This is so awesome.

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