Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday, Sept. 20, 2009

Life is to be enjoyed righteously. That is my thought for the day. I was encountered by an individual who spoke about suicide in a somewhat frivolous manner. At first it made me angry because there are so many who would love to live longer but can’t because of disease or illnesses. When I had cancer I was trying to relish everyday because I did not know if I would live or die. Then I started to take a second look at what was said and the reason for it and realized that in this person’s mind, she does not feel like she has a lot to live for. All I can say is that the gospel brings great joy, meaning, and peace to those who abide to its teachings. The best way to get out of a pity party is to serve those around you because it shows your love for the savior and those whom you serve.

This past week the missionaries helped put bark in our yard. McCabe decided it would be more fun to be buried in the bark instead of spreading it. So Elder Tidd buried McCabe in the bark. McCabe kept saying, “more, more.” Thank goodness Elder Tidd had the sense to stop or else the trailer of bark would have covered McCabe.

McCabe and Tim enjoyed their 3rd father and son campout this past weekend. They went to Camas, Washington. Friday was a beautiful day, but Saturday was all rain. Nevertheless they had a good time, dutch oven cooking, eating s’mores, and sleeping in the tent. Jacinda and I had a girl’s night out. We took Jacinda’s friend Rachel Mumford to Taco Bell, or as Jacinda calls it, “Taco Bells.” The girls had a great time playing in the tunnel slide and eating their dinner. Afterwards we went back to the Mumfords where I got to talk with Becky and the girls got to play. It was a great evening.
Jacinda is big into being a girl. That means make-up and hair. Today she did my hair. She put it in a pony tail and used a lot of hairspray. She was so pleased with her work that she had to take pictures. She is also big into helping me. She changed McCabe’s diaper today and did a pretty good job. She just needs to make sure the diaper is tight so it does not fall off when McCabe stands up. I am sure she will master that with practice.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I enjoyed another week of being a mother. It started off with the kids teasing each other and McCabe throwing a block at Jacinda and splitting open part of her scalp. I was livid when this happened; fortunately Tim was there to take care of McCabe while I took care of Jacinda. The cut was not deep enough for stitches, but it bled for a bit. It is so frustrating to see one of your kids get hurt….no matter who does it you want to put on your battle attitude and set things right so it never occurs again. McCabe got a scolding and a time out.

Among the bitter and reforming times of raising kids there are also the sweet moments when I get to teach my children important principles. This was a fun little game Tim and I played with the kids just before bed time. We would throw a fuzzy dice to one another and state one thing we were thankful for. McCabe repeatedly said his trains. Jacinda said she was thankful for Jessica Rawson, her new babysitter, her house, her ceramic bird from Nana McCabe, and the new baby that is coming. Every so often McCabe would copy her (out of turn) but for the most part he kept saying “trains.”

Jacinda and I went to the dentist on Friday. She is in the no cavities club so she got her name on the wall and a toy from the treasure chest. She absolutely loves the dentist. As we drove home Jacinda said, “I want to go there again tomorrow.” “Well honey you can’t, but we will go again in six months.” “Oh I can’t wait that long.” I laughed at her response. I am so happy that she is having such a pleasant experience. I wonder how things will change when she has a cavity.

This past weekend was stake conference. I absolutely loved it. I took away two fantastic messages that will help improve my life. The first involves trials. When faced with a trial, don’t blame or get angry with God. Instead think about what you can learn from the trial. The second message entails to always remember God. There are many times in my life things don’t go the way I want them. I need to stop and remember that I am on the Lord’s errand…..not mine own and that when life gets a little hard don’t forget to ask Him for help. I love the messages and the talks I was able to hear. I feel like my life has been calibrated to face the up coming week.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I had a quick minute to write some thoughts and happenings in the Fisher household. At the moment I am 35 weeks pregnant and very tired. I am having contractions with back pain but no abdominal pain. I am so ready to have this girl. Jacinda and McCabe are really cute. They like to kiss and hug my tummy aka "the baby." As I come to the end of my pregnancy, I have gained 30 pounds so far. Tim has lost 30 pounds and now we are 4 lbs away from being the same weight. It is really funny how we almost weigh the same.

McCabe is really living the life of a 2 year-old. He wants to do everything himself first and then he lets others help him. He has also picked up the word "poopoo head" thanks to the movie "Bugs Life." I have tried very hard to break him of saying poopoo head but I do not win in the least bit.

Jacinda is extremely helpful.....almost to the point where she should not help. When she sees me cleaning she asks, "mom, what can I do?" I love the fact that she wants to help but I need to gain some more patience because it takes twice as long when she helps and I have limited time. Although the other day I let the two of them clean the shower glass wall. I have never seen so much windex used to clean glass. I have also never seen so much windex on the bathroom floor. Another thing about Jacinda is that she is big into hearing stories about Tim and I during our younger years. Tim likes to start off his stories in a goofy voice by saying, "um.....when I was a little girl...." and Jacinda would say, "no, a little boy dad." It is a cute game they play.