Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Summer is fizziling out at the Fisher household. Jacinda starts Pre-school Tuesday. She is super excited. Everyday she is asking for homework. I love her enthusiasm but she is only 3, she will have plenty of years of homework. So in the meantime I find little work sheets for her so she can practice drawing her letters. I am actually really impressed with her steady hand. She does a good job.

I found some pictures of our summer. I just want to re-cap some of the moments before summer is officially gone.

Hanging out with the cousins in Utah. We loved seeing the Squires and the Johnsons. They made our summer so much fun.

A nice picture of the Fishers and the Johnsons sitting on benches at the Canyons resort in Park City, Utah. Take a moment and notice Quinn standing in the front. He looks like a 5-year-old rapper striking a pose. That kid cracks me up. The next picture is Jacinda with her cousin Clark Johnson taking a pony ride. This is the evening of July 24th--pioneer day. Since we were in Utah, we were celebrating with the cousins. Mimi's neighbors have horses and ponies. They got them out and let the kids ride them a few times before the fireworks were lit. (That was AWESOME!)

While in Twin Falls Idaho we went to the temple open house. I guess we should not be facing the sun because we are all squinting in the picture. In fact, this was the only semi-decent picture of my family in front of the temple. The other 4 pictures we are shading our eyes or wiping away the tears from the intense sunlight. After the open house, there was a refreshment center with a beautiful showing of all the temples. We told Jacinda to stand next to a temple picture so we could get a photo. Here she is next to the Germany temple.

Ok so I am a little over cautious when it comes to protection from the sun. The majority of the summer I had on tons of sunblock, a hat, and sunglasses. After what I have been through....can you blame me? This next picture is Tim and McCabe taking a gondola ride in Park City, Utah. McCabe was unsure of the ride but once daddy held him he was just fine.

This is one of the kids absolute favorite things to do. We are making cookies and yes that is cookie dough (with an egg substitute). I am totally embarassed because I know better, however, how can I say no to the kids when daddy is shoveling spoonfuls of it in his mouth.

Ah yes....what is a summer without crafts? This is a visor that Jacinda decorated with stickers. Note it is 1/4 of the way completed. By the time Jacinda was done, she had so many stickers on her visor she could have decorated 6 visors with her one.

I love this picture. Look close. This is Jacinda's way of saying "I love you," in sign language. We keep telling her that her thumb needs to be out but she refuses. Well ok then little one. I love you too and keep ROCKING ON!!

Summer fun at the "beach." We love bar-b-ques and splashing in the water.

The kids love soaking up the rays and posing for the camera.

My summer fun is watching Tim. He is hot!!! (I know my sisters are rolling their eyes right now but what did you expect? Hey it's me.)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Funny thing happend today. As I was walking into the house I was startled by a small snake. Normally I would not pick up any snake, but I knew my kids would love it. So after about 7 minutes of chasing this silly little snake I picked it up and immediately the muscles in my arms locked stretched out in front of me. There is no way I was going to hold it close. I walked into the bathroom and the kids were taking a bath. I showed Tim and well the pictures tell the rest of the story.

Tim with the snake.

Close up of the snake.

Tim showing the kids the snake.

Oops! The snake fell into the water. The kids squeal and swim/move for cover.

I felt bad for that little snake. When we finally got him out he was breathing so fast. It looked like his little sides were going to burst. I took him to the front yard and let him go. Jacinda wanted him to stay but I know better. Bottom line, snakes are not pets!! (At least not for this gal.)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008

So I had a pleasant surprise, Laura Fager dropped by my house on Saturday. I have not seen her in 10 years. I've known her since high school. I was amazed at how much she has changed and grown. She had some really neat life experiences. She served a mission in Brazil and completed her B.S. in nutrition. She works at BYU as the catering events coordinator. She looks really good and seems happy. We got to go to the temple and do a session. Unfortunately she had to leave the next day so it was a short but pleasant visit. Time has been very good to her.

I feel really healthy and strong. My port is gone, now I can relax. I got really tired of the kids accidentally bumping it. No worries now. I was going through some pictures and founds some I wanted to share. I love my family. They make me so happy. In fact, Jacinda said to me the other day, "mom, why are you doing your hair like a boy?" I just laughed and told her that soon my hair will be long again. I tease her about getting a haircut like mine and she says, "no, my hair is long like Rapunzel's." Oh I just love it when she is so cute--it makes me want to kiss her face off.

Jacinda's and McCabe's favorite past time is to play with side walk chalk. They have a big cardboard box they call their "house" where they can decorate it all they want with chalk.

The summer is filled with lots of fun outdoor activities. This is Jacinda pretending to be a monkey. She makes one of the best and loudest monkey imitations I have ever heard.

This is "stud" McCabe. Yes he looks chic, but don't let that fool you. As you can see below he is still in touch with his feminine side.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I am very excited because now it seems official that the cancer is gone. I got my port removed on Wednesday. It was a 20 minute procedure that entailed numbing the area, cutting it open, taking out the port, and stitching it back up the area. It was hard to go through the whole process and be awake (because I don’t like needles and blood), but Tim was there to hold my hand. However, after leaving the “surgery” room, I had to lay down on the lobby floor because my body was having some sort of vasoconstriction reaction. The nurse said it as common among patients. It is just my body’s way of reacting to the “trauma” or shock of what happened. For those who have never had this experience it goes something like this: your vision starts to blur and then the peripheral blacks out, your head gets really hot and your ears start to ring. Then your head cools down and you feel like you are going to faint or pass out. Needless to say I was wheeled out of the hospital. Once in the car I was fine.