March is a fun month because Tim and Teagan both have birthdays. The tradition on our house is that each child gets a party until they are in 7th grade. By then, they plan and decide what they want to do with their friends because the parents are out of touch with what is “cool.” Teagan celebrated his 11th birthday at Layton’s Surf ‘n’ Swim. It was a lot of fun. Too bad the place was short on tubes. We had to wait and watch when a tube was returned and then a child would go and get it. Eventually all the kids had a tube and had a good time. We also had cake and ice cream. Xadia made Teagan’s cake. It was a chocolate tiered cake with blue frosting. It was very good. Xadia is becoming quite the little baker. Teagan got a lot of money and sour gummies. He loves to eat those types of candies.
We have a flock of wild turkeys that wander our neighborhood. They have a favorite spot where they like to look for food and hangout. When Jacinda brings home extra rice from work, we take it to the turkey spot and dump it. Here are Max Murdock and Teagan dumping a bag of rice. The other day, I spotted to turkeys eating the rice while the tom turkey overlooked. It is so fun to see them.
Jacinda does a great job as the stage manager for Bountiful High School. I got the opportunity to ride the bus with her and some students to Box Elder High School to watch the one act competition. The BHS students did a piece based on WW2 and the Jews versus the nazis. It was an intense piece and heart wrenching. To this day, I still cannot understand how some people can be so mean to others. Box Elder High School did a one act from Antigone. They did a great job with using people as scenery. Northridge High School did an original act written by one of their own students based on a song called, “Sarah Barry.” It was a comical murder act. It was very unusual. Jacinda saw a lot her friends from the different schools. When I got home later that night, I was wiped out even though I was just a spectator.
Teagan performed in his school play, “The Wizard of Oz.” He played Zeke, a farm hand along with a lot of other characters. It was a lot of fun to watch, and he did such a good job. One of my favorite lines he stated was, “You couldn’t forget my face, could you?” When he delivered that line, he would get down on one knee, put his chin on his fist, and bat his eyelashes. It was so funny. Nana H and Grandma Margaret were able to attend and support Teagan. They love him so much.