Monday, August 9, 2021

Monday, August 9, 2021

 The boys went camping July 16th so we had a girl’s night out.  We got our nails painted, got some Boba drinks and then ended the fun with Chic-Fil-A.  I like to spend time with my girls and do girly fun things.  It is important to have this time together. 

                Lance and Kade Stubbs got to hang out with us for a few days.  It was so fun having them.  One of the highlights was hiking to the rope swing.  The clouds were a blessing.  They blocked the scorching sun.  It was a riot to watch the kids swing back and forth.  Sometimes they sat on the wood swing correctly and sometimes they did not and would need to hold themselves with their hands.  I took a turn on the swing and of course the wood panel shifted so it was length wise with my thighs instead of perpendicular.  I had to use my scrawny arms to hold myself from kissing the dirt.  It was kinda hard since I was laughing at my predicament.  Good times I tell ya.

                McCabe went to Texas with Lance and Kade.  The rest of us went camping at Mantua and rode dirt bikes.  Xadia was not fond of the dirt bikes so she drove in the blueberry.  We slept on cots under the stars.  The moon was so bright.  We took Fozzie with us and he was a champ.  He did a good job staying with us until we left to eat breakfast.  We left him tied to the fence post at our camp site.  He kept barking.  He was so noisy that we got a call during breakfast to let us know that his bark was disturbing the other campers.  I raced out to greet him.  He was happy to see me especially because I took some of Teagan’s breakfast steak to feed him.  We have learned that Fozzie does not like to be left alone.  He is very much a people dog.

                The girls enjoyed their Boba drinks so much that we planned a family night to get some.  Unfortunately, McCabe was still in Texas so he missed out.  But the rest of the family loved their drinks.

                Xadia is going into 6th grade.  She is getting her school clothes put together.  She loves to look on a website called “Shein” for new clothes.  Recently she got a black jumper dress and wanted to also get a pink one.  Unfortunately they did not have one in pink.  So we went to the fabric store and she picked out the fabric and helped make a pink jumper dress.  Here she is modeling it.  It turned out very nicely and took about 3 hours to make.

                McCabe and Jacinda went to youth conference.  While away, Tim and I took Xadia and her friends along with Teagan out for some fun.  We went to Farmington Station and stopped by “It’s Sugar.”  The kids loaded up on sugary goodness.  Then it was off to “Tea’s Memory” for Boba drinks.  Xadia wanted her friends to try them.  The fun then ended with Little Caesar’s pizza.  We dropped off the kids and then Tim took me out to the Olive Garden.  We had a nice little dinner and talked to our server, Tyler, about opening up a Roth IRA with the tip we were going to give.  He was a nice man and agreed to open an account.  Hopefully he will follow through.  Jackson, our other server from about 2 weeks ago at Olive Garden did open his Roth Account and put his tip in it.  It is so fun helping these college students prepare for the future.

                Saturday Mac and Jacinda were at Lagoon working so Xadia, Teagan, Tim and I got to work on clearing the backyard.  We had to move scooters, a snow blower, and other junk so that the workers can get started on moving the dirt and expanding the rock wall.  This has been a year in a half in the making.  I am very excited.  I forget to mention that Fozzie was also there to help.

                Sunday’s rock.  I love going to church with my family.  Lately, Teagan has decided to wear his tie like Joseph Smith.  He is so cute.   I was trying to get a picture of him and Kade but Kade was having some difficulty acting normal so I took what I could.  Nevertheless, you can see the old time styled tie in the picture.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Monday, July 12, 2021


Time to play catch up with my journal entries.  Sunday’s are great family days.  We like to go on hikes or walks.  On this particular day (4/25/2021), it was a little chilly but that did not stop us from enjoying nature and have races with Fozzie.  Mac tried his hand at fishing but didn’t catch much.  We had a good time lounging, eating snacks, and then walking back down Mueller Canyon.

                The weather turned nice in May, so we started the lawn mowing.  We mow 5 yards.  It has been a blessing for the kids.  We invite any child who wants to earn money to mow.  Rocket Santiano is the only consistent child who helps mow each week.

                Gigi Rasmussen, my niece has come to live with us for the summer while she works and prepares to go to USU.  She likes to make desserts.  She made this beautiful cake for mother’s day and it was absolutely delicious.  I had another slice the next day because it was so yummy.

                McCabe is in that stage of life where he likes to look at himself shirtless in the mirror.  Sometimes he looks for armpit hair and announces to the family when he finds one.  On this particular day, he found some underwear that was too small and decided to make a fashion statement.  He was a good sport to let me take a picture.

                Jacinda went to prom with Liam and friends and had a good time.  They spent the day tie dying and frying any type of food.  They fried pizza pockets, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pineapple, biscuit dough, cheese sticks, and potatoes.  It was a lot of fun.  After the dance, they came back to the house to socialize and eat ice cream.  Tim and I then took everyone home.  I will be really happy when she gets her license and can drive others.

                Preston Squire, my nephew, had his mission farewell on May 23, 2021.  He is going to Detroit Michigan.  I am very excited for him.  I am sure he will get a lot of attention being a skinny white kid who is 7 feet tall.  I am looking forward to his homecoming and the stories he will share and learning and growing in the gospel.

                I had a little time on my hands and decided to make an outfit.  This was a long time coming.  I made the skirt and jacket.  Unfortunately it is summer time and very hot (triple digit hot) so I won’t be wearing this until later in the year.

                Xadia got to present the 1900’s in her decade days report at school.  She and her class mates got to dress up from that era.  She wore a fancy feather and flower hat with a decorative dress and black boots.  She was very excited to wear the outfit and did a great job presenting.  I am so proud of her and her class.

                June has arrived and it is time for summer vacation.  We headed to Oceanside for some beach and cousin time.  It was so fun riding the waves on boogie boards and watching the kids play in the water or trying not to get tipped in the raft.  We spent half a day at the San Diego Safari park which was really neat.  I liked looking at the animals and the plants.  We got an app on our phones that identifies plants when you take a picture.  Teagan can drain the phone battery really fast using that plant app.  The kids also got to ride in a hot air balloon and we also learned about Fozzie’s escape while at the park.  He had ran about two miles away from home by breaking his leash while Gigi was at work.  We had the next door neighbor (Zoey Kister) take care of Fozzie.  He does not like to be alone.

                Friday, June 25th, Lizzy Fisher married Caleb Popp in the San Diego temple.  It brought back such good memories since Tim and I were married there 22 years earlier.  I loved being on those grounds and near the temple.

                Summer lunch with Max Murdock.  Teagan looks ecstatic.  He would not smile at all.  So you get what you get with this picture.

                Another thing we like to do on Sundays is cook.  Jacinda made some pina colada lollipops for youth in the ward.  Teagan made some gummy candies and Xadia made cupcakes.  I finished out the evening with a batch of fudgy nut brownies.  We definitely do not starve for sugar in our house.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Monday, April 19, 2021

 As the weather gets warmer, we take advantage of going on walks.  We love to walk to the temple and back.  We are fortunate enough to oversee the city and take in beautiful sunsets.  Of course the kids like to venture on the things they see on the way.  Here is Teagan conquering a cement tube.


I love my husband.  He is so thoughtful.  Here are some beautiful flowers he got me to display on my desk at work.  It is not uncommon for Tim to visit me at work and deliver flowers or chocolates.  He takes really good care of me.  My boss always says, “there is the flower guy trying to make us look bad.”  I disagree, Tim is well trained and treats women right.

 Fozzie is the dog that the family loves.  He is so fun.  As I exercise in the basement gym, he gnaws on his rope toy.  It cracks me up to see his hind legs position flat on the floor so I had to take a picture.

  I got to take a day off.  So what do I do?  I go to Crumbl cookie and get the kids some cookies and deliver them to their school.  I wanted to know that mom and dad love them and think about them all the time.  I also wanted to give them a sweet surprise while they are working hard.

  April 2nd, Jacob Fisher (nephew) married Jaden Davis in the Idaho Falls temple.  It was so wonderful.  I love the example they set for my kids.  I was also fantastic to go inside the temple.  It has been over a year.  The temples only do live endowments due to COVID.  I am so excited for them to open full time.  I don’t know when that will be but I am anticipating the opening.  The temple is something I need in my life.  It is a safe and good place.

Easter was fun.  I try not to go overboard with the holidays.  Sometimes it is hard because I want to make up for what I did not have.  However, I think I did good this year.  I am very pleased that I was able to give them a stuffed animal in each of their baskets that I bought on clearance last year.  I am surprised I lasted that long (yeah me!).

We got to listen to conference at the beginning of April.  Truly a great blessing.  Some messages that stood out: “Remove the debris from your life.”  “Have the kids sweat on the family learning field rather than bleed on the battlefield of life.”  Those are two messages that definitely pertain to me.  I also want to go back and re-listen to the talk from Elder Dale G. Renlud titled, “Infuriating Unfairness.”  I think I still have something to learn from that talk.

Xadia made her first blanket.  It is called a rag quilt.  We worked as a team to get it done and it turned out so cute.  She loves it of course because it is in her favorite color….pink.

Jacinda got asked to the prom yesterday.  Super cute ask, she had to pop grape colored balloons to find out who it was.  We all thought it was Liam and sure enough it was.  We are all very excited for her.  She is going to have a great time.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sunday, March 21, 2021

 I wish to be more consistent with journaling, however, life gets too busy.  So here I am with a long post because I have a month to report.  March began with Tim uncovering the big rock, “Bertha” in our backyard.  As he uncovered it, there was a perfect little seating area.  I called it the rock lounge.  Bertha is a really big rock and Tim is determined to shrink it.  He bought some expanding chemical to pour in one inch drilled holes.  As the chemical expands, it breaks the rock.  He is working hard to get the house in shape before the end of March for Amy and Ethan.  They will be visiting and heading up to Idaho for Jacob’s and Jaden’s wedding.

Xadia loves crazy hair day.  With the help of mom and dad, she was able to make her hair crazy and stand up.  I am glad Tim had some wire to construct a frame for her pony tails.

Each week, we as a family clean the FiberTel office building.  It is good family time.  The kids usually bring a friend who has the opportunity to earn money and spend an hour with the Fishers.  Everybody has their chore.   Jacinda mops.  McCabe vacuums.  Xadia wipes surfaces.  Teagan empties the trash.  Mom cleans the bathrooms.  Dad supervises. After cleaning, we stop by Maverick for a f’real shake.  So far the kids have been really good about cleaning and do not complain.  They know it is a weekly task to keep on their schedule.

Teagan turned 9 this year.  We celebrated with a minecraft cake and a day at Get Air Trampoline Park.  The kids jumped and ran around like little monkeys.  It was fun to watch them.  They all had a good time and were so thirsty by the end.  I bought water for everyone.  The kids drank and watch the Lego movie as we drove home.  Once home, Teagan opened presents and ate his cake and ice cream.  It was then time to take the kids home.  The time went really fast.

McCabe and Jacinda got jobs at Lagoon.  McCabe will be working in landscaping and Jacinda will be a team lead in the ticketing department.  This will be Jacinda’s 3rd year.  She really loves her job and co-workers.  I am glad she is having a good experience.

Teagan had a loose tooth that was too stubborn to fall out on its own.  He had to go to the dentist and have it pulled.  It took 10 minutes to numb his mouth and 10 seconds to pull out the tooth.  The tooth was decayed and very gross looking.  It was a good thing to pull it out.  After the dentist, we went to Artic Circle to get an Oreo Milkshake.  Unfortunately, Article Circle was not open at 9:00 a.m.  So we went home and I made him a mint chocolate chip milkshake.

I had the opportunity to attend McCabe’s wrestling match.  It was fantastic watching him wrestle.  I am so proud of the maneuvers he did.  He did a great job since he had to wrestle a higher weight class.  I am glad he enjoys wrestling and that he does it.  There seems to be a bunch of nice boys on his team.  After the match, I was talking to McCabe about some of his teammates and some of the opponents.  McCabe then told me about a guy on his team.  When I asked him to describe him, he said the he resembled Lord Farquaad from Shrek.  I did not expect that description and it made me laugh.