Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

     Happy New Year!  I had a great holiday break.  We kicked off December with decorating for Christmas.  The house looked great.  I love the pine on the banisters and above the kitchen cabinets.  I also love the Christmas snow village.  The kids like decorating which is a good thing because each year I get a little less motivated to pull out decorations.  I don't love cleaning up the mess.
     Saturday, Dec. 8th we had a ward Christmas breakfast.  The kids wore their pajamas and Tim wore his "Buddy" the elf costume.  Some people were asking what his part was in the program.  He told them with a big smile that he had no part in the program and was dressed for the occasion.  I love Tim's enthusiasm.

December is one of our busiest months and keeps us very tired.  Monday, Dec. 10, I was able to capture this sweet picture of Tim and Teagan taking a nap.

     Christmas was so fun.  The kids mainly got clothes and books.  Tim splurged on a PS4.  I got a video of the kids opening some of their gifts.  After opening presents, Jacinda spent her time in Virginia with the Clinch family.

The kids got some scarves from grandma Margaret.  Props to Teagan for his dramatic pose in the picture below.

The day after Christmas, we took down the decorations and cleaned the house.  We looked forward to the new year.  We celebrated the new year with a movie and popcorn night in the basement.  We watched "Small Foot" and "The House with the Clock in the Walls."  The kids went to bed at 12:30 a.m.  The next morning Tim and Teagan did a polar plunge.

Later in the evening, we did a rootbeer taste test with friends.  There was not a clear winner.  The kids liked different brands of rootbeer.  However, everyone got a rootbeer float and left with a liter of soda.  It was a good evening.

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