Sunday, September 9, 2018

Sunday, September 9, 2018

                “Dad, you don’t’ do anything,” said Teagan this past week.  Stirred up by Tim requesting kids to chores.  Tim and I just laughed.  If only Teagan knew what he was saying.  I am sure he will understand in about 30 years.   Early today as he was getting ready for church, his clip-on tie broke and unraveled.  I suggested he get a different tie.  “Don’t tell me what to do,” was his response.  Again, another laughing moment.  This six-year-old ignorance cracks me up.  One day he will get it.  I am so excited for him to become a dad.
                Friday, Teagan had a fair share at his school.  He made a craft to show all his classmates.  I am very proud of his creativity and his courage to share.  He was nervous to talk in front of everyone but did a great job.

                Xadia did my nails today, watermelon style.  I love them.  I am very excited to show my co-workers.  Xadia is also getting very anxious for her birthday.  She will be getting a hamster.  She begs everyday to get a hamster cage.  I have told her it will happen closer to her birthday.

                McCabe got his taste of fishing this week.  We took him to Bountiful pond on Saturday.  He was able to cast his net and drop a line or two while the rest of the family biked around the pond.  Second time around, McCabe joined us on his bike.  It was a beautiful day.  Occasionally McCabe would stop and cast a net until the rest of the family caught up to him.
                Jacinda was at Fan X this past Saturday.  She had a fabulous time dressed as “Prussia” from Hetalia.  She received an autograph from the voice actor of Hetalia and got 3 posters.  I am grateful she got to go.  She saved her money all summer and purchased her ticket all on her own.  It is so very cool that my kids are becoming somewhat independent.

                Tim had a crazy Saturday.  He took the kids to the pond to go fishing and ride bikes.  Then came home to fix the leaf blower and do other chores around the house.  Around 2 pm, he got chairs and tables from the church to set up in the Frey’s yard for a neighborhood party.  He took the family to the neighborhood party where we ate and swam and visited with friends.  After the party, he cleaned up and returned the chairs and tables.  We got the kids in bed then made a quick trip to Artic Circle for a burger and a shake.  Watched two episodes of “Fresh Off The Boat,” to end our Saturday.
                Sunday was great.  Jonny and Chris Schmidt had their homecoming.  I really enjoyed what Jonny said.  In a nutshell, he was trying to answer the question of “why does God let bad things happen to us?”  He brought up the thought, don’t ask why but ask “how did Jesus feel all that we did?”  How could Jesus suffer all the sins of the world?  It was a beautiful meeting.  I also like the point of feeling the spirit is the greatest lasting joy you can have in this life.  It is better than that feeling of being on top of the world because feeling the spirit is continual and lasting. 

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