Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sunday, July 16, 2017

     I love my children but I don’t always love their actions.  Tonight, we had a lesson about hurtful words and actions.  Our house today was filled with destructive words that tear down one another.  One child would tell the others to, “shut up” and another child would tell the other to “fart in their pants.”  This got the other kids started on a downhill spiral of trashing one another.  I called the kids together and we had a lesson on “cutting remarks” and actions.  I talked about how words hurt just as much as a slap, a kick, or even a knife cut on our bodies.  I showed the picture below and talked about how we need to be kind to each other.  I hope this made an impact on the kids.  I really want them to grow up to be good people.

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