Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Well what can I say?  It is that time again....time for family pictures.  The best way to describe it is voluntary torture.  We had a few winners but for the most part trying to get kids to be normal and smiling is not an easy task.  I do love my family and feel very blessed to have them near.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015

      Let me start this post by saying the Lord is very good to us.  Many things are shifting in our lives and we do not need to move for Tim's job.  I am very grateful we are able to stay rooted.  The kids are doing well in school.  We had SEP conferences this past week and I am very proud at how hard my kids are working.  They may not be the best in their classes but they are putting forth a good and honest effort and that makes me very happy. 
      This past week was veteran's day.  I love the heroes of this country who sacrifice so that I can enjoy the freedoms of living in a great country.  I truly appreciate their service.  McCabe got to meet with 2 veterans this past week for cub scouts.  One of the individuals served in world war 2 and told the scouts about his war experience.  It made a great impression on him.  I hope as he grows he will realized how blessed he his to have people fighting for his freedom.
     Teagan is only 3 but he has his own schedule.  He loves to eat popcorn and watch t.v.  At the moment his favorite t.v. show is "Team Umizoomi."  This is a great show because it teaches the kids about shapes and numbers.  His favorite character is Bot.  Dad happen to walk into the room when Teagan was watching and decided to join him for part of the show and some popcorn, like father like son.  I love these 2 boys.

     Last Saturday Tim and I went on a date to the "Dinner Detective."  It was a lot of fun.  Tim got to be part of the show because he had a letter taped under his chair.  We did not solve the mystery correctly but we sure were entertained.  When you are there, you get to choose a name.  It can be anyone.  I chose Blanche from the Golden Girls and Tim chose Silas (one of his ancestors) but people thought he meant Silas from the t.v. show "Heroes." It was a fun and different activity from our normal date of exercising and then eating out.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

     It is the close of the day.  I finally get to rest and watch the news.  But before I do, I just have to say, "oh my babies."  That is the phrase I use to let off steam.  We had a very busy day.  I got to tutor math today at school for 5th graders.  We had Izzy and Cade McPheters over to play with Xadia and Teagan.  When the older kids got home, they did piano, spelling, chores, and reading while I supervised and assisted where needed.  By the time 6:00 came, we were heading out the door for family night.  We went to the library and found some great books and movies.  We got to hear 2 stories from the story teller.  After the library we stopped at Wendy's for dinner and frosties.  It was a fun night but very busy.  Everybody is already asleep....not me.  This is my time to enjoy the quiet.
      Let me play catch up with a few events.  Halloween was great.  We trick-or-treated for 3.5 hours.  I kept telling the kids, "you've got to burn it to earn it."  The kids did not complain at all, they just kept running house to house like it was some timed event.  Everybody went to bed exhausted that night.  The next day Teagan said, "I want to go trick-or-treating tonight." I had to tell him that halloween only came once a year (thank goodness).  Now I am finding candy wrappers everywhere in my house and every time I turn around some kid is shoving junk in their mouths.  Tim and I try to keep the bags out of their sight and limit the amount they get each day but some how they keep getting into it.  As you can see from the pictures below, Teagan was Spider Man, Xadia was Elsa, Beth Rose was a cat, Jacinda was a vampire and McCabe was an army special ops guy.

I got to attend a sweet little performance from Teagan's pre-school class.  They sang some halloween songs.  Teagan is the Spider Man in the middle.  Cute little Clara kept walking right in front of him and blocking my view.  I did my best to get him on camera along with his other classmates.  
The other day Teagan told me the cutest thing.  He said, "mom carry me up."  That means pick me up and carry me.  I said, "you are getting too big for me to carry."  He said, "mom when I am big like you I will carry you up."  My heart just about melted.  "Ok buddy, when you are big you are going to carry me?"  "Yes."  "Ok Teagan, I will hold you to that promise."  I just love my kids.