Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Warning, this posting is not a typical one.  Today I don’t feel much like blogging.  I am sad and tired.  The everyday occurrences of life have taken their toll on me.  I was talking to Tim asking him why do I feel so yucky?  I am reading my scriptures, praying, being a mom in every way possible, and doing the things I am supposed to.  I am not being rebellious or defiant to God’s laws or the laws of the land.  I am just having one of those days.  I am open for suggestions.  Sometimes reflecting on the good in my life lifts my mood.  So I will recap this week of the good and fun I had.  I got to go to the Pizza Pie Café with my family.  It is a new restaurant in Bountiful that is really fun and yummy.  What made it so great is that my friend, Leslie, is a part-owner.  I got to visit with her for a few minutes and get the whole story of the restaurant.  This week, I only had to stay 2 hours instead of 4 hours at Tae Kwon Do this because Jacinda and McCabe are now in the same class (YES!).  I have a nice clean house because we are refinancing and I wanted the appraiser to come to a clean house instead of a sty.   I also got to watch a new episode of Sherlock….I love the show but this particular episode did make me feel uncomfortable at times because of the boldness of nudity.  TV has gone too far.  If I wanted to see flesh, I would go to a strip joint.   So there it is folks….my life this past week in a nutshell.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sasha don't feel too bad...I havent felt like blogging since this summer. I have been seriously slacking in every waY!