Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Warning, this posting is not a typical one.  Today I don’t feel much like blogging.  I am sad and tired.  The everyday occurrences of life have taken their toll on me.  I was talking to Tim asking him why do I feel so yucky?  I am reading my scriptures, praying, being a mom in every way possible, and doing the things I am supposed to.  I am not being rebellious or defiant to God’s laws or the laws of the land.  I am just having one of those days.  I am open for suggestions.  Sometimes reflecting on the good in my life lifts my mood.  So I will recap this week of the good and fun I had.  I got to go to the Pizza Pie CafĂ© with my family.  It is a new restaurant in Bountiful that is really fun and yummy.  What made it so great is that my friend, Leslie, is a part-owner.  I got to visit with her for a few minutes and get the whole story of the restaurant.  This week, I only had to stay 2 hours instead of 4 hours at Tae Kwon Do this because Jacinda and McCabe are now in the same class (YES!).  I have a nice clean house because we are refinancing and I wanted the appraiser to come to a clean house instead of a sty.   I also got to watch a new episode of Sherlock….I love the show but this particular episode did make me feel uncomfortable at times because of the boldness of nudity.  TV has gone too far.  If I wanted to see flesh, I would go to a strip joint.   So there it is folks….my life this past week in a nutshell.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday, September 16,2012

School has started and life has been very busy.  Let me do a brief rundown of the happenings in the Fisher house.  Tim is busy working and balancing time between the kids and a new business venture…Speedy Clean.  This is a business that sells part washer machines.  I am impressed at how much this machine can save the customer money.  It is a good business model and I know that Tim will be successful.
                Sasha is a chauffeur.  I drive the kids to school, to tae kwon do, to the store, to friends’ homes and anywhere else.  In my spare time I like to watch the stock market which by the way is doing great.  Speculation has it that the Dow will reach 14,000 by November.  I am interested to see how the presidential election will affect its performance. 
                Jacinda is off to a great start in second grade.  She is trying hard to read at least 20 minutes every day.  I am very pleased with the progress she has mad with reading.  Last year it was very challenging to get her to read and now she is doing it on her own without any prompting.  I like this behavior much more.
                McCabe has started kindergarten.  He likes it.  He is now limited to playing the Wii on the weekends.  He has done a good job of obeying this rule.  McCabe loves to play Mario Brothers.  He told me that when he grows up he wants to make Mario brother games.
                Xadia is busy reminding me that her “birthday is coming.”  It is on the 10th of October.  She likes to make pictures and give them to me as invitations to her birthday.  She also likes to watch my big big friend (a t.v. show) and loves swimming.
                Teagan is such a good baby.  I like calling him big “T.”  He is now six months and has probably tripled his birth weight.  I am guessing he is about 23 pounds.  He is eating baby food like a champ and it shows.  The bishop commented that it looks like Teagan has never missed a meal.  He is a chunk.  At 4.5 months he got two bottom teeth (yes that is early for my children) and now it looks like a top tooth might be coming in.  Overall he is a very happy baby.
                Friday we got to go to the Brigham City Temple open house.  It is like a mini Salt Lake temple.  It is absolutely gorgeous.  I love the marble floors and the painted blue squares on the ceiling.  It was such a treat to take the kids and show them the baptismal font, the sealing rooms, and the celestial room.  Temples are so special and it was a wonderful experience to share with the whole family.