Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Every time I get on my blog it seems like I have nothing new to say….at least nothing ground breaking so I will talk about the day to day life. McCabe and Jacinda are taking Tae Kwan Do. They love it. It is so much fun to watch them kick and to punch with some technique.

So last week Tim wore a Christmas tie to church. McCabe wanted to wear one also so I told him we would make him some. We went to the fabric store and he picked out 2 Christmas fabrics. I made him two ties and then practiced tying them. I finally got the hang of it….however; it was almost comical to watch me figure it out. I almost went to you tube to watch a demonstration. McCabe loves his ties. In fact, the next day he went to pre-school wearing a lovely tie with his skateboarding T-shirt. Some battles are not worth fighting. I am just happy he was dressed and arrived to pre-school on time.

So our latest home project was re-doing the laundry/bathroom. We ripped out the white with turquoise streaked tile, the peach toilet, and low-grade vanity. We put in new tile, vanity, toilet, and chair rail. I also painted. I spent a few hours measuring, cutting the molding and painting. I am happy with the result. However, the very next day I was not too happy. Let me first warn you….this story is going to be hilarious in 10 years. So I saw a box elder on the molding near the toilet. I grabbed some toilet paper, bent down to pick it up and noticed urine on my newly painted molding. WHAT!!! Immediately I called out McCabe and asked him if he did this and his response was, “I might have, sometimes I miss the toilet.” Aargh! More mess for me to clean. It is fantastic being a mom!

updated laundry/bathroom

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Had a crazy yet normal week. My emotions got the best of me. I normally try to be a pleasant and optimistic person but Saturday everything came to a head and I had a breakdown. I felt over worked, tired, and frustrated….mainly because I had to keep picking up after the children and thinking about how another child is going to be added to the mix. It felt good to cry and get it out of my system. I feel like a new woman today.

In church I participated in a young women’s lesson. I got the privilege to talk about the blessing of having children. I was not the ideal candidate to give my opinion about this topic after my bad week, but I looked at motherhood as a whole and it is a wonderful thing. I think my five minutes went over well with the ladies and my points were made. No matter how trying children can be…..they ultimately make us happy and a better person. I thank God for the privilege of being a mother.