Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to the hottest man I know.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

We just celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary and I can honestly say that marriage is fantastic. It is amazing how two people mesh into one. One in motivation, focus, developing and thinking. I swear we have been together so long now that at times we know what each other is thinking. It is so fun to see how far we have come since the first few years. There are things that show my influence in Tim and vice verse. One example is Tim being health conscious and exercising. He has become somewhat picky with food......his taste standards have been raised. Something about me is that I am more relaxed and will crack a "Tim" joke ever so often and love to watch Marx Brother's movies.

So how did we celebrate our anniversary??? Our babysitter canceled so we took the family out to eat at Applebee’s and then watched funny home videos. It was a fun evening. The kids were good. But I could not get them to sit still for a picture hence the blur. What a great anniversary….Love you baby….thanks for all the great times. I look forward to many more.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

We have lots of fun here in the Fisher household. Take a look at we have been doing. Jacinda loves to put on make-up. She loves it so much that she wants to share with everyone. McCabe seems to be a willing participant. I had to sneak a few pictures because these days will be gone all too quickly. I love how Jacinda crosses her legs and gets so involved with putting color on her face. Once she is finished, they both look like they are ready for the circus. Judge for yourself.
Jacinda the clown.
McCabe the clown.

Jacinda crosses her leg as she perfects her powder/blush.
Mac is wondering if the eyeliner makes him look too much like Boy George?

Memorial day was fun…..we made kabobs. They were yummy! We grilled corn and had a delicious bbq. The kids had a good time assembling the food and rolling the corn in foil. Tim was in heaven because he got to use his “man stove.”

Making kabobs for memorial day. Many thanks to our soliders both past and present.

McCabe seriously cracks me up. I help him get dressed on a daily basis. He is in a stage where he changes clothes 2 to 3 times a day. It drives me nuts. However, on this particular day he found a bunny suit that is size 18 months to 24 months. He wears 4T. I was doing something when he unexpectly showed up wearing the small bunny suit. I thought it was so funny I had to get a picture. He would not pose for a picture so I got him running away and trying to hide his face in the couch while his tail stuck straight in the air. This made me laugh more. Then without warning he turns around and gives me the stink eye/I am annoyed at you look and tells me to stop taking pictures. And what do I do???? Of course....I snap another picture.

McCabe running away.

Bunny tail in the air.

"Mom, stop taking pictures of me!"
This past Saturday Jacinda went fishing. We signed up through parks and rec. unfortunately it was only for kids ages 5 to 14. So McCabe could not fish. I was really worried that he would throw a fit but he was content holding the fish bag. We each had our own duties. Jacinda fished, Tim assisted, Xadia watched, McCabe held the bag, and I took photos and cheered. I am so grateful that the weather cooperated. There was a little sectioned off area in Lake Sacajewea where 2,000 rainbow trout were released Friday night. The following morning all the kids came at their assigned times to catch their limit of 2 fish. We had 45 minutes. Our first spot, standing on the grassy bank, did not prove to be successful. So we walked to the dock and sure enough....Jacinda caught her two fish. Now she and the rest of the family can eat them and while I enjoy a piece of chicken.
McCabe and Jacinda at Lake Sacajewea.

Jacinda fishing with her pink fishing pole.

Wow! what a fish.....Mac is keeping his distance.

Jacinda's big catch.
McCabe holding the fish bag.

Sasha's big catch!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesay, June 1, 2010

Here it is June and we are still experiencing rain. I guess I should just expect it....after all this is the North West. (But I am totally sick of it.....I need sun!)

Tim subscribes to these "daily gems" from the church. Every so often he sends me one that he feels if very important. I love this gem. I love it so much that I want to share it with my fellow bloggers/readers. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Establish Harmony in Your Marital Relationship
"It is far more difficult to be of one heart and mind than to be physically one. This unity of heart and mind is manifest in sincere expressions of 'I appreciate you' and 'I am proud of you.' Such domestic harmony results from forgiving and forgetting, essential elements of a maturing marriage relationship. Someone has said that we 'should keep [our] eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterward.' True charity ought to begin in marriage, for it is a relationship that must be rebuilt every day."
James E. Faust, "Fathers, Mothers, Marriage," Ensign, Aug. 2004, 5
Topics: Unity, Marriage