to thanksgiving, I took a day off to go on a field trip with Xadia. The fourth grade went to the Weber landfill,
water treatment facility, and the Davis sewer district. It made me laugh when people asked, “What did
you do on your day off?” There were many
funny answers that filled my head, but I just said, “I went on a field trip
with my daughter.” It is always such a
treasure to go with my kiddos on an outing.
I got to see her with her friends (Belen, Izzy, and Natasha) and hold
her hand as we walked from place to place.
I love being with them. Our time
is so limited together. They grow so
fast which is amazing and painful at the same time.
We had
a full house for thanksgiving and a great feast. The Squires and Johnsons were able to join
us. There was plenty of food for
everyone and so many desserts. Mimi out
did herself with making apple pie, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, and a log roll. Everything tasted so good. I was really grateful my siblings and their
families could make it. It was very
snowy thanksgiving morning. Tim taught
McCabe how to work the plow on the blueberry.
Tim could not find his usual beaver hat, so he wore a banana head cover
(from Halloween) to keep his ears warm.
It is all about function not fashion with Tim. At least he got the job done.
love having snow because it sets the tone for extreme sledding. That is when we hook sleds to the back of the
blueberry and go for a ride. It was so
cold riding in the snow. My fingers were
frozen by the time I got home but we had so much fun. We first went in circles in the parking
lot. Then drove up the mountain behind
our house. I got a little nervous when
the kids slide near the edge. I would
tell Tim to slow down or turn the blueberry.
He was doing a good job of steering and I was doing a great job of back
seat driving. I am pleased to report
that no injuries occurred.
school has been asking us to have further eye tests done on Teagan because he
kept failing the machine operated eye exam.
We had him tested and sure enough, he has amblyopia (a lazy eye) in his
left eye. He got some glasses to help
strengthen his left eye. He gets to wear
an eye patch and his glasses for 10 hours a day. Yesterday he did well with his glasses but
Sunday he was frustrated with his glasses and eye patch. He started crying at church. It is very hard as a mom to see a child
frustrated, hurt, or in pain. I am trying
to do my best to support him and the doctor’s recommendations. He is a champ. I am very pleased with how well he is trying.
is looking beautiful with her braces off.
She is still into cosplay. Here
is a picture of her in her Native American costume and wig. She took my phone to take a selfie… the
picture is fair game. I am amazed at her
creativity. She has drawn some awesome
pictures with lighting and shading. She
was definitely given the talent to draw.
and I got to go on a date to the tabernacle Christmas concert. Can I just say that it was AMAZING! Kellie O’Hara and Richard Thomas were the
featured artists. Kellie has a beautiful
singing voice. It was so lovely. Richard did a fine job reading a story. All the participants displayed their talents
in such an impressive manner from lighting to costumes to singing to playing
instruments and dancing. I loved every
minute of it. I would like to go each
year and take the kids. Leaving the
conference center I was filled with such a good feeling. The kind of feeling you want to last forever.