I got a lot of catching up to do. First off…..school is back in session. Teagan is in 2nd grade, Xadia is in 4th, McCabe is in 7th, and Jacinda is in 9th. (My babies are getting so big!) I took some cute pictures before their first day. The Squire children are also in the pictures because they are temporarily living with us until their house sells. It has been fun having them.
The Squires like a lot of the same thing my children like. They play the computers. I think they play Minecraft, Roblox, and Fort Nite. They are also good helpers with the lawn care business. They have made a few dollars also. Brinton will not miss an opportunity to mow a lawn because, “it is his only source of income.” Kate and Jacinda like anime. They dressed up as Hetalia characters for Fan X. Jacinda was Prussia and Kate was Germany. I was so impressed with their costumes. They made them from D.I. clothes. Jacinda’s boots were originally black and she covered them with a white vinyl material. These kids are super talented.
Labor day weekend was no vacation. Someone started a fire in the mountains and we had to be evacuated from our house. Luckily the fire did not touch our house. It was about 150 yards away. However, three people lost their homes all because a campfire was not fully extinguished. It was so said seeing the losses on t.v.
McCabe just got braces. He is suffering through the pain. The first 3 days meant soft foods. He lived on mashed potatoes, applesauce, yogurt, and ice cream. He is very excited to have straight teeth to compliment his good looks. He is very much into trying to create a six pack. He likes to flex his muscles in the mirror. He is a cute kid.
Xadia set up her “squatter’s camp in the hallway. She got lots of blankets, chairs, and pillows to make a nice bed. Teagan and Canda also joined in the fun. She slept there for 3 nights. It is fun to see what Xadia will do next.
Caught Teagan the other day putting his “babies” down for a nap. My heart pretty much melted at the sight. Teagan still shows some of that sweet baby boy side while being a tough adventurous 7-year-old. It is so fun being a mama to all these wonderful children.