School has started and we have been busy. Jacinda made student council. She had to fill out a form giving reasons why she would be good for student council and what some of her leadership qualities are. She was one of 3 in her class that was selected. I was very proud of her.
McCabe is attending SEM and enjoys learning. His teacher says he is very smart and wants to challenge him with more learning. He seems to do a good job at balancing his schedule.
Xadia likes her kindergarten class. She was the first student spotlighted. We had to put together a poster of things that Xadia likes. The poster contained blue snowflakes because she likes winter and the color blue. She had a picture of macaroni and cheese, Teen Titans Go, Mrs. Cavanaugh's chocolates, Texas Roadhouse, Roblox, cousins, siblings, and monkeys to represent the monkey bars. It is always fun to do a poster on the kids to see what they like at that moment in their life.
Teagan loves going to pre-school. I got to spend Thursday in his class. Those kids are so cute. They try really hard to follow their teacher. Teagan was great. He had to draw a picture of himself. The teacher showed all the students how she draws herself. Then the students got the chance to draw their self-portrait. Teagan tried so hard to follow the teacher's example. He even put dangly earrings on his picture just like the teacher. That made me laugh so hard. I just love these kids.
10 months ago