Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday, November 23, 2014

     This week is thanksgiving.  We are very excited.  Tim and I keep going back and forth between getting a turkey.  Turkeys are so big. I want to get a chicken so we don’t have a lot of left overs.  However, last year we had chicken tenderloins so I guess it is only fair I get a turkey this year.
     It snowed last night.  The kids are so excited but not as excited as my niece Katie.  She has come to live with us for the next year.  Being from San Bernardino she is not that familiar with snow so this is a new adventure for her.  

Tim has made the ultimate sled from a camper shell, two water skis and a pair of snow skis.    It is meant to be pulled by the blueberry (ATV).  I don’t know who is going to have more fun, Tim or the kids riding in the sled.

     Jacinda is loving basketball.  I can’t believe how charged I get watching them play.  They are a great team, no loses so far.  Jacinda likes to throw in the ball to start the game and also likes to take the ball down the court.  Just recently she participated in a school hoop shoot.  She got 2nd place among the 4th grade girls.  I hope she continues to keep up the good work.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sunday, November 9, 2014

We had a busy weekend.  Our family got together to perform the annual leave collecting project.  It started out with the young men and young women performing this service but we joined because we had nothing else to do and also had a trailer to carry the leaves.  The sister missionaries joined us for the project.  It was tons of fun.  The younger kids had the job of crushing the leaves so we could fit as many as possible in the trailer.  They loved playing in all the leaves.  My back today is feeling the aches from raking.  As we say in my family, "it is a good kind of hurt."

A few weeks ago we went to California to celebrate grandma's 70th birthday.  It was loads of fun.  She was completely surprised.  Seven of her eight children were able to attend.  I took some pictures and made a little video of those who attended.   You can watch the video below or go to: