Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday, August 3, 2014

       Jacinda is so big.  Today she got up and shared her testimony in sacrament meeting.  She helped watched the kids while I took a nap.  Did a fish bone braid for the first time in Xaida's hair and made chocolate chip cookies.  She is also becoming a great little helper for mom.  We went swimming yesterday and she took Xadia and Teagan down the yellow slide at the rec. center.  They had such a good time with her that they did not want to go down with me.  I had to take Teagan down the slide kicking and screaming. It was really embarassing.
      Yesterday we got some school supplies.  The kids got their pencil boxes, hand sanitizer, crayons, folders, glue, and everything else needed for school.  Next thing is clothes shopping.  I had the kids go through their drawers and pull out all the clothes they don't wear anymore.  Xaida became a big winner in the clothing department.  She got a lot of hand me downs and is super excited about wearing them.    
      Jacinda just finished her first week of allergy shots.  I can't believe how much her arm swells after receiving them.  But I am so thankful we are getting them done.  I can't wait to see how her allergies are come Spring 2015.  Hopefully it will have alleviated some of the pain and discomfort.
      I just uploaded another home video.  Here is the link.