Sunday, June 29, 2014

Monday, June 30, 20214

 Super fun day.  Last Saturday we went to Mantua Lake.  We spent time playing in the water and fishing.  McCabe caught a fish and was so happy.  In fact he has told me that he wants to be a fisherman when he grows up.  After the lake, we went to USU and got some ice cream.  I love the ice cream from USU....which is huge because I am not a big fan of cold sweet foods.  There is just something about the ice cream.  It is so yummy.
 McCabe holding the fish he caught.

McCabe and Jacinda at Mantua Lake.

Jacinda earned her black belt.  I am so proud of her.  She has worked really hard.  Here she is in a picture with Mr. Williams, Master Kim Sr., and Mr. Kim Jr.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday, June 8, 2014

    Summer is here and we are so busy doing things like reading and math.  We want to keep those skills fresh and up-to-date.  Swimming lessons each day so that we can be safe in the water.  I don't want any more drownings.  Jacinda and McCabe are doing TaeKwonDo.  Jacinda just earned her black belt on Saturday.  She did a great job.  She had to test for 6 hours and complete a written exam.  We are also busy playing and having fun as a family.  The above picture show a Monday evening at the park where we went to play games.  It was a lot of fun especially when the sprinklers started going.  The kids were running through the water having a great time.
      Jacinda went to Pioneer Village for her last school field trip.  She and Emmett wanted to get a picture of being in jail.  They are showing their "down in the dumps" pose.  I thought it was very cute.  They did that all on their own....there was absolutely no mentioning it from me.
     Hooray for Xadia.  This is her graduation picture from her 1st year of preschool.  She went to Memory Lane and had a great time.  Staci Metcalfe is an amazing teacher and teacher of children.  It is amazing how much confidence and thirst for learning Xadia has after one year of preschool.