Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday, February 16, 2014

     Life only gets busier with each day.  Bubba has been getting out of his crib for the past month or two.  We have reversed the lock on the door so now we can lock it from the outside.  We have only needed to use the lock about 3 times.  He is really good at going to sleep when put in his crib.  Bubba is still big into cars…..which is anything with a wheel.  He watches Mater’s Tall Tales everyday.  He is somewhat reluctant to watch anything else without a car.  When Xadia wants to watch my little pony, Teagan insists on cars instead.  He is a cute little man.  He is getting ready to turn 2 in a few weeks.  I love watching him grow.
     Xadia is in the princess stage of her life.  Anything princess or tinkerbell related automatically has an affinity to her.  She wants to be beautiful everyday.  In fact the other day she put on some make-up with my consent.  I have a very casual attitude when the kids use my make-up under my supervision.  As I ran my errands that day, I had about 3 people ask how she got her black eye.  I had to tell them that she did her own make-up.  After the explanation, they all agreed that she looked beautiful.  I love how the young can get away with so much.  But no matter what age she is, she will always be my princess.
     McCabe is a sweet sensitive boy.  I am always amazed at how caring he is.  He is always willing to share so that others feel good.  The other day Jacinda wanted to get a toblerone candy for her class auction.  However, she did not have the money so McCabe told Tim that she could have his money so that she could buy the candy.  His generosity caught us off guard and made us so pleased that as a result, Tim bought each child a toblerone candy.   I am so thankful that McCabe is sensitive to others and has the insight to help when he is able.
     Jacinda is my hard working helper.  At the moment she is focusing her efforts on getting her black belt in Tae Kwon Do.  She has been working for almost 2.5 years on this accomplishment.  She is also a big help at home.  When I am busy cleaning up a mess, she will tend Teagan or help with other tasks.  For example, McCabe needed help folding his clothes.  I had to get the kitchen cleaned so Jacinda basically folded all of McCabe’s clothes so I could finish cleaning the kitchen before company came.  I am so grateful Jacinda is here to help me.
     I love all my children.  They are at great stages in their lives.  They bring Tim and me much happiness.  Keep up the good work kiddos.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014

      We have been very busy this past week.  We are finishing the basement and there is dust everywhere.  It is coming along nicely.  We are getting really excited.  Tim did a great job putting shake cedar shingles on the playhouse roof and putting up the porch light.  The kids love playing in the house and looking out the windows.  It is going to be so cute, but there is still a lot to do.
      Today is McCabe’s 7th birthday.  We had a party for him yesterday.  We had a donut eating contest and played the balloon popping game.  McCabe likes to play this game.  Where you tie a balloon to your ankle and run around stomping on other people’s balloons.  The last two with an unpopped balloon wins.  The big hit of the party was jib jab with the kids’ faces.  They loved the sledding and the mariachi skits.  We also did a spoon water race which the kids lost interest in it really fast.  I am finding it harder and harder to entertain kids during a party the older they get.   However, at the end of the day, McCabe had a great party.