What a wonderful week. Teagan Timothy Fisher was born Wednesday 3/7/2012 at 12:16 pm. Weighing 6 pounds and 14 ounces and measuring 20.5 inches. He is absolutely beautiful. The delivery was the best I have ever experienced. There were no complications or tearing. The doctor called it “a text book delivery.” I got to go home the next day. I love having Teagan. He is such a joy. The kids are so good with him and want to hold him every chance they get. Yes it is a little challenging getting used to 4 kids but I am trying my best.
I stepped on the scale the day I got home from the hospital and realized I have about 30 pounds to lose before obtaining pre-pregnancy weight. This will probably be a 12 month journey. Anyways, I was lying in bed and McCabe comes in to say good night. He put his head on my stomach and said, “mom, are you going to have another baby?” I answered, “no.” “Then why is your tummy still big?” I just laughed. One day he will understand but until then, I will enjoy his innocence.
I stepped on the scale the day I got home from the hospital and realized I have about 30 pounds to lose before obtaining pre-pregnancy weight. This will probably be a 12 month journey. Anyways, I was lying in bed and McCabe comes in to say good night. He put his head on my stomach and said, “mom, are you going to have another baby?” I answered, “no.” “Then why is your tummy still big?” I just laughed. One day he will understand but until then, I will enjoy his innocence.